chapter 13

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Andy's POV.

when the line ended i couldn't move his parents heard everything, and he was going to be here in a few days(A/N can't remember how long i said in the last chapter).

i looked at jinxx then back at the phone, for about an hour i tried to call ashley again but he wouldn't pick up or answer my text.

i was really excited to see him, but i was also nervous. not only about the baby but about his parents and what they would do to me. i really wanted to prove to ashley and his parents that i could and did change even if it was only a few weeks.

alot has happened in these last few weeks: i got a job, i have been working out, i bought a few things for the baby.etc.

but i know that won't be enough for ashley to take me back or for his parents to trust me again(will his mom because his dad never will)

i was about to try and call ashley again when i heard something hitting the wall in on of the rooms. the closer i got to the sound the louder it got(like duh you guys knew that) i finally stopped in front of jakes room. i put my ear to the door and tried to listen to what was going on.

"wow...*sigh*...*gasp*...f-fuck mmmm right there baby!!" someone moaned

i didn't know jake had a girlfriend or at least a fuck buddy or something, i was about to walk away when i heard something that made me stop.

"you like that cc? lets show jinxx how hard i can make you cum" jake said

and with that i bolted to my room slamming the door forgetting to lock it. ok calm down andy we can alway go to therapy right? yea it's ok just breathe

just breathe..

just stay calm.....


ok i think im ok now......

"let's look in andys room maybe he has some more condoms and lube, where is he any-" the stopped when he opened the door.

jake stood in the door way naked as the day he was born with a blushing cc right behind im

nope im not ok...

and with that i past out


Ashley's POV.

andy has been callling me and texting me for about an hour but im to scared to reply, i wasn't lying when i said my parents listened to everything they said the only way i could talk to him is if it was on speaker phone and they where in the room with me listening.

by the end og the phone call mom had a slight smile on her face while my dad had a frown, we made a deal that i could go back down to andy and the boys but only if they came with me.

i really wanted to get back with andy and both my mom and dad knew that even if i didn't tell them, he seemed like he has changed since i left.

dad still doesn't like him but my mom is trying to see things from my point of veiw,i over heard them talking last night this is all a test for andy and that if he really has changed then mom and dad will let me move back down there and dad won't  interfere, but if he hasn't then andy is only allowed to talk to me if it's about the baby.

i wanted to tell andy that but i think i will call him about it tonight when my parents are asleep. i will call jinxx's phone and ask for andy and i will tell him so he will know what to expect.

it was around 11:00pm when my parents went to bed, i pulled out my phone and called jinxx. he answered but when i asked for andy he said he was asleep, so i told him to give andy a message telling him my parents plan. he said he would when he woke up we said our goodbyes and hung up.

i was so tired i fell asleep before i could get under the covers...


Jinxx'x POV.

once i was off the phone with ashley i went to andys room to see if he was ok. he looked fine he should wake up in a few.

 i sighed and walked out of his room, jake went out to get a few pizzas while cc was in our room sleeping. when andy pasted out cc broke down and started crying, jake was a little upset but me and him stayed strong for cc.

cc is like our little baby if he see's us upset he will get upset so we have to stay happy for him, once he was finished crying we sent him to be to get some rest.

i heard footsteps coming from the stairs i looked up to see andy, he was holding his head and frowning kinda.

we looked at each other for a bit before andy said something.

" bottoms and so do you right? are you like a bottom and a top?" were the first things to come out of his mouth

all i could do was nod, andy smiled and gave me a hug.

"well im happy for you dude and next time knock before you and your boyfriends come in" he said with a laugh.

we sat and talked whi,e we waiting for cc to wake up and jake to come back with the food, i told him ashley called and he wanted to call back but i told him ashley was probably asleep so call later.

im happy andy took it better then i thought, it could have been alot worse.....

(sorry it took me so long to update and it's short but i have so little time to write a good chapter for you guys. comment what story you want me to update next and give your ideas please it would really help.

also vote that helps to. on a side note i can't believe 'my band mates and me' is over 10k!!! i know to some people that isn't alot but to me it is i didn't even think that story would make it to 1k. i also can't believe that i have 111 followers that's amazing i didn't think i would even get 2!! i love you guys your amazing and i will try and work harder for you guys you deserve it!!!

love you bunches bbbbbyyyyyyyyeeeeeee!!!!!!)

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