chapter 24

245 23 13

Cc's POV.

i woke up having to use the bathroom but i was stuck between Jake and jinxx, i tried everything i guess they leave me no choice. i ball my hands into a fist and hit both of them in the balls as hard as i could in the position i was in. the both shot up groaning and looked at me like i did something horrible.

"i need to pee." i said sliding out of the bed waddling into the bathroom. when i came back they were still holding their balls.

"oh grow up" i said looking at the clock it was 9 am. "ooh lets go shopping we need food for the house and we need stuff to go in the baby's room."

they both nodded going to go take a shower while i changed my clothes, i went and knocked on Ashley and Andy's door asking if they would like to come along. they both said yes and began to get ready we were all set and ready go by 10, yea me and Ashley got hungry then we got sick. 

we all piled into Andy's new SUV and headed to our first stop babies R' us. this should be fun.


when we got there the boys grabbed three buggies, while me and Ashley waddled off to look at things. we went to the furniture first, the boys already got the cribs we just need changing tables and dresses and stuff.

we looked and found many we liked but none that screamed the one, i was starting to giving up we i came across a light pink and brown dresser it was so cute. Jake saw me looking at it and told the guy that was helping us to hold this for us till we were done shopping. i did a little jump and continued looking for more stuff.

Ashley's POV. 

i got a dresser similar to the one cc got but mine is blue and brown, i was looking at changing tables when Andy came up from behind me.

" i already ordered the one we saw online that you liked so much should be here by tomorrow." he said giving me a hug from behind.

i smiled and leaned into his touch i was about to close my eyes when i saw baby tubes i squealed and pushed Andy away walking towards them. Andy chuckled and pushed the buggy over to me, i told him i wanted to white and yellow one because it looked better then the rest. 

we had ended up spending around 2k but andy said it was ok and that if we needed any more then he would take care of it. i wanted to stay and shop some more but i had a doctors appointment and i didn't want to miss it.

(doctors appointment)

"well ashley everything seems to check out, but i would like you to stay off you feet as much as possible carrying one child and be unpredictable but you are carrying three which can be even more unpredictable. looking at you now you might be giving birth any day now so be sure you have a bag ready and everything you need for when they babies come." the doctor said smiling. "you are now 9 months exactly take it easy"

i nodded cleaning the jelly off my belly, after we left the office i asked Andy to go pick me up something to eat i was starving. when we got back the boys were putting away food and cc was sitting watching TV, and handed me my food and helped me get to the couch.

"so cc how was your appointment?" i asked 

" it was good they told me everything was normal and that im due in a few months, what about you?" cc asked rubbing his belly.

"i'm good they told me to stay off my feet and try and relax so not to put any more extra pressure on my back i am due any day now and to make sure i have everything i need for the babies." i said smiling.

that night i couldn't fall asleep i just couldn't get comfy, i tossed and turned but nothing was working. i sighed and decided to go down stairs to get some water. i slid out of Andy's arms and left the room i was halfway down the hallways when one of the babies kicked me really hard. i winced and rubbed my belly trying to calm them down.

i continued to walk but the more i did the more they kicked by the time i got to the stair case i was in so much pain i was crying. i was scared to walk down the stairs, i turned around and that was it. one last kick and it was over, i doubled over in pain. i decided to go back to bed but then i felt wetness between my legs that's when the pain really started the i water broke

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