Chapter 14

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Andy's POV
It was around 5am when I tried to call Ashley again.
(Phone convo)
Ashley: hello?
Andy: hey ashes it's me Andy
Ashley: OH!! Hey did jinxx tell you what my parents are planning?
Andy:yes he did and I'm freaking out,but I'm more worried about you, how are you?
Ashley; I'm fine having a little back pain but other then that I'm good! Well besides the morning sickness...
Andy: oh babe I'm sorry...I can't wait to see you...,
Ashley: I can't wait to see you either, but Andy you have to understand I won't be able to take you back so easily
Andy:I know and if you did I would be worried but I will so anything to prove to you and your family that I have changed. And that is a promise!
Ashley: I believe you but I want to see it for myself,
Andy:I know
Ashley: well I have to go I'm hungry I'll talk to you later?
Andy: yea I love you kitten
Ashley:love you more batman!
(End of phone convo)
After Ashley hung up I decided I would clean up a bit I don't know what specific date they will be here and I want to make sure everything is to a T.

Ashley's POV.
After my talk with Andy I went to take a shower before going down to eat something.
I jumped in the shower and used my chocolate strawberry body wash and shampoo. Once done I wrapped myself in a fluffy purple towel and skipped into my room. (Outfit above is what he is wearing just instead of plugs they are just regular earrings and he has strikes of blue hair the color of the jacket )
Once dressed and makeup on I walked downstairs to see my mom making food and my dad trying to take it while she is cooking.

" morning everyone" i said while giving my dad and mom a kiss on the cheek.
" morning sweetie" my mom said smiling

"Princess" daddy said kissing me on the forehead

"So what's for breakfast?" I asked sitting at the table.

"Pancakes, eggs, oatmeal, bacon, sausage links,muffins, and fruit" my said putting everything on the table

"Why so much food?" I asked as I began to fill my plate

"Well after we eat we are packing up and heading to Florida,"

With that I nearly dropped my pancake....

_ hey guys sorry I haven't updated don't really have an excuse so I'm just sorry I really am but I'm here now and I think that's ok right? Sorry it's short but I hope you enjoy!!!
Bye I love you bunches!!!!_

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