chapter 21

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Ashley's POV.

it's been roughly about 2 weeks since i was able to come home, Andy woke up three days ago and came home yesterday. i have literally been glued to his side, when he's not around me i tend to get cranky. Andy has only been home for a few days and i have really notice his change, he is really supportive. the day he was able to come home him and my dad went outside to talk and when i went to check on them they where shaking hands and laughing. i will take that as a good sign, he even talked to my mom but him and my mom already had a good relationship.

everything was great and i was happy even if i was starting to get a little moody. at the moment i was laying in my and Andy's room, even though we both share the room he still knocks on the door and ask if its OK if he sleeps in the bed.

i was reading a baby book i got from the hospital, it was talking about what to do in certain situations and some reasons they might cry. when someone knocked on the door, i could already tell by the knock that it was Andy.

"come in Andy." i said not looking up, the door opened then closed.

"how did you know it was me?" his deep voice filled the room.

"when will you learn you can come in here without knocking." i asking looking up.

he smiled then shrugged i notice his hands where behind his back.

"what's behind you back?" i asked standing up.

his smiled widened and he pulled out a big bear and a bag of treats, i squealed and jumped slightly. i ran and pulled him into a hug and held on tight.

"these are for you i hope you like them." he said when we pulled away.

"like them? babe i love them!!" i said kissing him on the lips. this was the first time us kissing on the lips since i came back down here. after i pulled away and he came out of his state of shock he  put on a goofy smile.

"yea OK no problem" he said wobbling a little bit. i giggled and nodded blushing a little bit....OK a lot a bit.

the bear was stuffed and pink it was amazing, i loved it. i put it on the bed and the bag of treats on the floor beside the night stand, i sat down on the bed and waved  Andy over.  he walked over and slowly sat down beside me but he was to far away from my liking so i moved so i was right beside him. he blushed and looked down, it's kinda weird seeing Andy blush but its rather cute.

"so what are you hoping for?" i asked breaking the silence.

"what?" he asked

"the baby or babies... are you hoping for a girl or boy?" i asked rubbing my slightly growing belly.

" I'll be happy with what ever. i think it's going to be a boy but who knows. do you want to wait till we can know the genders or wait till you give birth to find out the gender?" he asked i just shrugged and cuddled into his side.

"I'm tired right now let's talk about it later" i said sighing when he laid down too.

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