chapter 27

229 22 12

(17 hours later)

Andy's POV.

good news and bad news...

good news: even though it took awhile people where able to get the power turned back on.

bad news: Ashley's contractions where getting closer together. i feel like he is going to have to push soon.

"a-andy i think i need to push" ashley stutters out letting out a silent scream afterwards.

"OK OK just a hold on and let me try and set up some stuff.... jake!!!! im going to need your help" i yelled running through the house looking for everything i might need. i was looking round for more towels when jake came running in.

"what is it? what you need?" jake asked looking around.

"you looked up stuff about delivering a baby earlier right?" i asked grabbing more towels and bath clothes.

"yea why? is ashley ready to push?" jake asked with his eyes going wide.

"yea and i need you to help me get ready until the ambulance gets here to help." i said while running out and back into the room ashley was in with jake following close behind.

we started setting everything up when that was done we all washed our hands and forearms to be safe, by the time we were done with that ashley was on the break of killing us all. 

"all right here we go...ashley when your ready start pushing" i said calmly.

"oh thanks for the permission doc it's not like i was ready to push an hour ago!" ashley yelled.

he started pushing taking deep breathes every now and then before pushing again, finally i saw a head poking out. which made me happy and a little sick because i didn't know the baby would come out his ass.

with a few more pushes baby number 1 was out, he didn't cry for a little until i patted him on the back then he started screaming. 

baby number 2 came faster then  baby number 1 for that i am grateful, now according to the amount of screaming and people getting hit i would say baby number 3 was the most painful.

even though when he came out about an hour later he was smaller then his brothers, which i was worried about. not even 10 minutes after the babies where out the ambulance arrived.


Ashley's POV.

after the ambulance arrived they put me in the truck and gave me something in sooth the pain and that shit was great knocked my ass clean out. when i woke up i was in the hospital bed and was dark out. i saw andy in the corner holding a little baby, and that had to be the cutest thing i have ever seen.

"he's so small" i whispered but andy heard me and jumped a little holding the baby close to his chest.

"yea he was the last one born, what are we going to name him." andy asked handing him to me and wheeling the other two closer so i could see them.

"well the biggest one is going to be Austin the medium size one is Justin and this little guy can be Dustin." i said holding Austins little hand.

"are we going to let them have middle names?" andy asked

"yea you can pick those" i said picking up Austin.

" alright.....Austin James biersack, Justin Adam biersack, and Dustin lee biersack."

i looked at him and nodded, i liked those names, turns out while i was asleep cc gave birth to a pre-mature baby girl. the baby did have a few problems but for the most part she was going to be OK. her name is Jessica Ann Pitts, they decided to give her jake last name since he is the biological father. and just when i thought today couldn't get any crazier, jinxx passed out when we got to the hospital and they checked him out. turns out he is two months pregnant which is kinda shocking because he never showed any sign of being pregnant and he didn't get bigger(A/N which is a fact some people don't get big bellies or bellies at all when they are pregnant my mom didn't when she was preggers with me).

well im just happy that i finally have my boys and my andy nothing could top that, even after everything we all have been through he was worth in at the end. so if you where to ask me would i do it again you know what i would say.... hell yea of course i would wouldn't you?

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