chatper 11

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Andy's POV.

"Andy wake up you son of a bitch!!!" I heard someone scream.

I blinked a few times to adjust to the light then I sat up only to get slapped in the face.

"What the fuck?!?"I yelled I looked up to see a red face crying Juliet.

"How could you?!?" She yelled hitting me again.

"How could I what?!?" I yelled back

"Well first you told me you and Ashley were breaking up,then I come to find out you proposed to Ashley with the ring you were suppose to give me!" She yelled "then I found out or beating Ashley and he is having h your baby"

I sighed and laid back down, I knew what I did was wrong and it was going to take a while for me to fix everything but right now I want to be alone.

" well say something!" Juliet yelled. I sat up and looked her in the eye.

" you want me to say something fine....I lied OK I never liked you I only used you for sex and your not that good at it plus I'm not the only bad guy you stayed when you knew Ashley and I got back together, and you slept with not only half the football team but also half the cheerleading team to. I love Ashley and I regret what I did to hurt him." I said I got up and stood in front of her "and I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to him"

She had stopped crying by now, she nodded looking just as guilty as I felt.

"Andy I just want you to be happy and I knew you weren't happy with me. Fix this with Ashley, Ashley needs better then this and so do you. " she said she gave me a hug.

"And I would start by taking a good look in the mirror. And I am taking the ring back. Ashley gave it to me when we met up." Juliet explained.

Speaking of Ashley.....

"Where is Ashley?" I asked wanting to talk to him.

"He left" Juliet said.


"Jinxx please,tell me where he is so I can fix this" I begged

"No I'm not telling you I will tell you when I think its safe for him and the baby." He said crossing his arms.

I knew he was looking out for Ashley, so I just need to prove I can change and that mean taking the first step.

"Will you help me?" I asked

"Excuse me?" He asked

"Will you help me?" I asked again.

"And why would I help you?" He asked.

"Because I just took the first step I asked for help and real man knows when to ask for help. I want to change jinxx not just for me but for Ashley and my child please, give me a chance" I begged

He sighed and nodded.

"Lets get to work!"



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