chapter 30

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_OK everyone this is the last chapter if this chapter gets some feedback then i will make a second book maybe two one about andley and the other about janxxtian. so how about 10 votes and 10 comments so good? OK i love you guys and thank you to everyone who read/voted/commented on this book you guys are amazing and i love each and every one of you<3_

Ashley's POV.

after our shopping trip yesterday we all passed out, when we woke up it was dinner time. we brought the boys into our room and feed them, we also played with them for a good few hours before putting them in there cribs and heading back to bed.

now its morning and andy is driving us to his parents house where mine was waiting as well. it took us a good bit but we got there, and when we got there our parents where waiting for us and the babies.

"hey mom hey dad" andy said hopping out and giving his parents a hug me doing the same to my parents and his.

me and Andy's mom was in a deep conversation when andy started talking.

"OK here is everything you will need for three nights, i packed extra clothes and dippers food is in this bag so are some of their blankets and her is the play pen it comes with a zipper thing so the babies are sitting up higher then all the way at the bottom. thank you so much for watching them for us." andy said handing stuff to my dad.

"wait what's going on?" i asked frowning.

"we are going on three day trip to the mountains, i thought we could use the break so i set us up a little trip." andy said smiling.

don't get me wrong im happy he thought about us needing a break but im not sure im ready to leave my babies just yet. andy must have notice my change in moods he came up behind me and gave me a hug.

"everything will be OK you two go enjoy your time together they will be right her when you get back." Andy's dad said smiling.

i nodded and told everyone goodbye and thank you, i kissed all my boys and i may or may not have cried a little but that is neither here nor there. we hopped in the car and made our way to the mountains, i didn't even notice when andy packed our bags and put them in the car.

we made a few stops on the way for some food but stayed on the road for the most part, i was a little nerves still and i kept checking my phone to see if i got any messages about the kids. Andy sighed grabbing my hand and kissing it laying it on his lap.

"calm down everything will be OK just relax and enjoy the peace and quite." andy said chuckling.


it took us 4 hours to get to the mountains and i have to say it was worth it, it was beautiful. we carried our bags to the cabin andy rented for us, and to be honest it was beyond real it was just perfect. i walked around looking at the kitchen and the living room that had a flat screen TV with tons of movies to choose from. i made my way to the bedroom, it was huge the covers and sheets were brown and light cream color. the closet was huge and so was the bathroom which had two of everything.

"alright so we have about 3 hours before we have dinner so why don't you go relax take a shower maybe even take a nap before we go and eat dinner." andy said getting ready to walk out before turning around "oh and there is a special outfit in the closet i would like you to wear tonight."

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