chapter 5

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Jinxx’s POV.

The first thing I notice is Ashley’s dad…which can be a bad thing. Then I notice Andy’s evil smirk….which could be a very bad thing.

“Well hello mr.purdy” Andy said with his smirk still on his face.

And here we go.

“Andy I see your still around, unfortunately” Mr. Purdy mumbled the last part under his breath.

“Tyler!!! Be nice” Mrs. Purdy scowled hitting him in the back of the head with a wooden spoon.

“Hey daddy!!” Ashley said running up to him and sitting in his lap.

“Hey princess!!How was your day” he asked with a big smile.

Did you guys see that a 180 mood changer, let’s play that again in slow motion!

Did you catch it that time? Good

“I had a good day, what about you?” Ashley asked

“It was ok” after that Ashley hopped off his lap and went to sit down.

We all greeted Mr. Purdy and sat down to eat. We tried to make as much small talk as possible and not let Andy say anything that could get him killed.

“So, Ashley did you ask him yet?” Andy asked putting some of the food in his mouth.

“Asked me what?”

“Well, I’m having a party this Friday and I wanted Ashley to come” Andy answered before Ashley could look up.

“Absolutely not!!” Mr. Purdy said

“But daddy! Please!!! I have been really good” Ashley begged

“no it’s already bad enough you date this delinquent, and now you want to go to his party? What next you’re going to say you lost your virginity to him to?”  mr.purdy said about to take a bite

When nobody said anything he looked up, and looked between Ashley and Andy. Andy had an evil smirk on his face while Ashley looked like he could die.

“You are still a virgin? Right Ashley?” he asked raising a brow.

“Well….not exactly” Ashley said trailing off.

“What do you mean by that?” he asked crossing his arms

“He means we have had sex before” Andy said

“When was the last time you two have had sex?” he asked getting really pissed off.

I could practically see smoke coming out his ears, his face was so red it was the color of a fire truck. This can only end badly, and here is where Andy will make the mistake of actually telling the truth and his life will flash before his eyes. Let’s watch shall we.

“Oh, today and it was good” And with that Andy planted one on Ashley and basically tried to eat his face off.

“Oh my.” Ashley’s mom said holding a hand over her heart.

“So how about that whether?” cc asked.

After Andy pulled away, he turned and smiled at mr.purdy. That’s all it took for Ashley’s dad to lung across the table and them two to start fighting.

“Daddy stop it!!! Andy get off him!!” Ashley said trying to break them up.

Ashley went to pull his dad off Andy, but only got pushed back and hit his head on a chair. We all tried to get those two to break up. Ashley had tried many times and always got hurt, finally Mrs. Purdy had had enough of all the fighting and grabbed a bucket of ice cold water and dumped it on them to.

With that they let each other go, still glaring at each other.

“I am sick and tired of all the fighting, my baby is hurt look at him. what is with you two?” Mrs. Purdy asked

“he’s a little punk and doesn’t deserve my princess, he took away his innocence. He brained washed him, poor thing doesn’t know what he is doing” Mr. Purdy said

“brain washing him? what the fuck!?!!?! I’m nothing but good to him and you know it! Your just jealous, because he spends more time with me and likes to have fun. Get over it dude!!!! Just admit it, you’re still made about the whole vase thing that happen a long time ago, I said I was sorry!!” Andy yelled

“Jealous?!?! Of you!?!?! Ha!!! Don’t make me laugh! I have nothing to be jealous of!!!” Mr. Purdy yelled back.

“yea because I get more then you” Andy said with a smirk.

Mrs. Purdy looked like she was about to faint, and Ashley was bright red. I was just standing there looking at the situation. And where is Jake and cc might you ask? Well if you said at the table eating the rest of the food….then you are correct give the reader a prize!!!!!

They have been eating ever since the water thing. But like I said before this dinner started…..this was a very bad thing.....

_i hope you guys liked the chapter, it's about 3:46am and i had nothing to do sssooooo yea........ anyways thank you for all of you how follow me and read my storys you amazing as i always say because you are!!!!

i will be updating more soon!!!!

thank you again, read, vote, comment!!! bye!!!_

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