chapter 3

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Jake’s POV.

We make our way to lunch and get in line. We looked around for a table and we saw Andy and Ashley sitting at the one on the side.

We made our way over there; we all plopped down in a seat. When we got there Ashley was feeding Andy French fries.

“So I see you two are back together” I said raising a brow.

Ashley just giggled and leaned into Andy’s side. Andy wrapped his arm around him and took a bite out of his burger.

“So jinxx and Ashley are you two coming with us to practice?” Andy asked

Looking between Ashley and jinxx, it was like a thing any football player that has a girlfriend or boyfriend they would come to practice and watch I don’t know why really but they do.

Jinxx hurt his shoulder during summer training so he won’t be practicing today but he should be good by next week.

“yea I’ll come need to see what you guys are working on so I can be prepared for when I come back in next week” jinxx replied eating his pizza.

“You’re coming to practice right baby?” Andy asked nuzzling Ashley’s neck.

“Yea baby I'm coming” Ashley giggled.

I smiled at those two; they have been together for a long time. Even if it was an on off thing, I think they are really cute I want a relationship like that just without the breaking up all the time.

“So Andy how did you do it how did you get Ashley back?” jinxx asked with a smirk.

Ashley turned bright red and Andy just chuckled.

“Well I’m pretty sure Justin is going to need a nose surgery and make-up sex in an old classroom” Andy said.

We all looked at each other and busted out laughing that’s Andy and Ashley for you.

After that we just talked about random things, we only had about 10 minutes left of lunch before we had to head to English we all had that class together.

“Hey Ashley” a voice said I looked up to see Juliet and Ella they were two of our schools cheerleaders, Ashley was head cheerleader you know the captain.

“Hey girls remember practice tomorrow” Ashley said

“Yea of course, well I just dropped by to say hi see you later girlfriend” they said walking away.

Juliet and Ashley have been friends since middle school, they basically ran the school. But they were not the stereotypical cheerleaders that been mean to everyone.

The bell rang and we all made our way to English. We walked in and had a seat in the back. The teacher introduced herself and told us everything we needed to know.

After that she said we could talk for the rest of the day. I desk were like in groups so it was me and jinxx’s desk facing Andy and Ashley then cc at the top.

“So guys I'm having a party this Friday you guys in?” Andy asked.

I rolled my eyes Andy was always the one to throw parties but I got to admit they were always really great parties.

“Dude! We just started school and you already throwing a party?!?!?” cc asked smirking

“Hell yea! There are two things you have to do in high school throw the best party at the beginning of the year and the best party at the end of the year and bang everything in between.” Andy said nuzzling Ashley when he said bang.

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