chapter 16

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(Andy's car above)

Andy's POV. 

OK now not only is Ashley pregnant but so is cc, and he has taking it upon himself to lock himself in his room. Jake and jinxx have been trying for roughly 3 hours to get cc to come out and talk about it but he is being stubborn.

i sighed and decided to get up and make sure everything is in place, lately anytime i'm freaking out i tend to clean. i know its weird but i guess it can be a good thing.

once i checked everything i decided i would make dinner tonight, yea i know its only like 3:00pm but i want to make a real dinner something nice and enjoyable. maybe that will help everyone calm down and just relax for a little.

i checked the fridge to make sure we had everything i needed to make dinner, lucky i had everything but the chicken. i wrote that down on the list of things, i also decided to pick up a chocolate cake. i mean come one everyone loves chocolate right? right? 

i was just about to walk out the door when my phone went off, i looked at the caller ID it was from an unknown number.

"hello?" i asked as i walked out closing the door behind me.

"Andy? is this you?" they asked

"yes, who is this?" i asked getting into my car.

"it's me Ashley" 

i stopped everything and held onto the phone like it was a life line.

"Ashley, kitten how did you get my number? are you OK? is the baby OK? what's wrong?" i asked usually he calls jinxx's phone and i ask to talk to him, or i use jinxx's phone to call him.

"jinxx gave it to me a few minutes ago, i'm in the restroom and my parents a waiting for me so i don't have much time. i'm on my way to Florida right now, my parents changed their mind so we are going to be there in a few hours. i just wanted to let you know."Ashley rushed out.

"Ashley calm down everything will be OK. i was actually going to cook tonight so when you and your parents get here you guys can have a home cooked meal." i said calmly even though on the inside i was freaking the fuck out,

"OK thank you. i'm going to go my plane is boarding in 10 minutes, i'll see you soon?" he asked

"yes you will i'll be here when you get back, i love you Ashley and i'm sorry for all I've put you through and i'm going to make it up to you." i said 

i didn't hear anything for a while, every now and then i would here a sniffle or something.

"A-Andy....." Ashley chocked out "i love you too, i love you so much. and i wish so hard that things were different and i was still there with you. just me you and our baby, i want that so bad"

"and you will have that Ashley i'm a changed man and i'm going to prove that to you. no matter what it matter what it takes i will. now get on you flight and i will see you in a few hours OK?" i said trying to keep myself together.

"OK. i'll see you soon" and with that Ashley hung up. 

after a few minutes i broke down, everything was so fucked up and it was all my fault. i love Ashley more then i can explain and i messed it up. you know I've always been told you never know what you have till you have lost it, and i wish i didn't have to learn what i had with Ashley this way.

once i had calmed down i pulled out of the drive way, i still needed to go to the store. today the road were busy i mean it was Saturday so i understand, since there was so much traffic i got on the highway to go to a different store.

i took a deep breath i just need to calm down, i'm not going to be any good if i am freaking out. suddenly my phone went off , i looked over and it was on the passenger seat. keeping my eye's on the road i reached and grabbed it only for it to fall over on the floor.

i looked down, it was jinxx calling me i reached to get it. i heard a horn i snapped my head back up only to realize i drifted into the other lane. i turned the wheel to the side trying to get in the right lane. but in a panic i was having trouble getting in control of the car.

next thing i know everything went black.......

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