chapter 26

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Andy's POV.

"OK OK let's all stay calm....jinxx stay fucking calm!!!" i yelled.

"dude you are literally the only one freaking out....deep breaths." jinxx said making some hand gestures. after i had calmed down i thought about what to do, i told jake and jinxx to help me move Ashley to the bed while cc stayed with him while we went and got a few things.

we got little tube full of water one with warm the other with cold, we went and got lots of pillows and blankets. when we had everything i asked Ashley did he fill like he needed to push.

" no but i'm in a lot a pain, and can someone move a pillow so it's at my lower back?" Ashley asked.

jake lite some firewood so it would start warming up in here, we didn't want ashley or the babies getting sick. thank gosh there was a fireplace in this room, ashley was leaning on my and taking deep breaths. jinxx tried calling the ambulance but turns out the power lines are down, cc was hold Ashley's hand and jake was looking up things on his phone about delivering a baby.

"Andy..." ashley said getting my attention.

"yes love?" i asked "do you need something?"

"i'm scared..." he whispered i sighed and held him close.

"me to baby but we will get through this together think of what it will feel like when they get here....have you thought of any names?" i asked trying to take his mind off of things.

he smiled and nodded and started telling me all the names he was thinking of, and to be honest it calmed me down seeing him more relaxed.

But I was still freaking out, but I freaked out on the inside so Ashley wouldn't worry about me.

I looked down at my phone Ashley has been having pain for about 4 hours now.

"Ashley do you feel like you need to push?" I asked rubbing his back.

"No just everything hurts, the contractions are really far apart." He said rubbing his belly and wincing slightly.

I nodded and looked at everyone, cc passed out in the other room so he's fine. Jake is with him and jinxx comes in every now and then to check ok us.

Everyone is really tired but I'm not going to sleep until I know Ashley and the babies are ok.

I held Ashley's hand as another contraction hit, when it was over he was left breathing hard and sweating. I dabbed his forehead with a cold wash clothes to cool him off a bit.

" I can't wait for these babies to get here" Ashley said

"Me either babe me either"

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