special announcement!!

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Hello my loves,

I have a few things to say so yea pay attention.

1.) since i reached my goal of 10 votes and comments on the last chapter of this book as promised i am making BOTH a spin off janxxtian story and an andley story.

Having to start over(janxxtian)

Looking forward to us(andley)

2.) i have another account which is a boyXboy while this account is strictly BVB stories PurpleKittenNinja so if you want you can go follow that account.

3.) more stories heading your way i have been having tons of story ideas so yea but im going to try and take my time with these.

4.)might be making an announcement book so it can be there so you know whats going on since some people don't read the messages 

5.) my birthday is in 10 days (feb.11) im going to be 17 OMG i joined wattpad Jun 25, 2013  so almost three years ive been here wow!

6.) i finally made a twitter account for my wattpad account its RazorBladePKN it is for both my wattpad accs and the profile pic is love written in purple smoke so you can go follow that is you want.

that is all for now and i will see you guys in another book love you all see ya!

That Couple(Janxxian/Andley)Where stories live. Discover now