chapter 19

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Jinxx's POV.

After they knocked Ashley out and put him in a room across from Andy i called Sarah letting her know whats going on. i went into Ashley's room after they gave him a quick check up, they told me the baby was fine but the stress wasn't good for Ashley or the unborn baby. soon after the doctor left Ashley's parents and the boys burst through the door asking what happen. it took me around an hour to explain everything, having to stop every so often to go into detail or because someone broke down crying.

Ashley stayed asleep for about three hours the doctors said that his body needed the sleep and that's why he didn't wake up earlier. when Ashley first woke up he looked around and then began trying to get out of bed calling Andy's name,it took all of us and the doctor to calm Ashley down. when he was calm he curled up as much as he could and cried, i felt bad i didn't know what to do as a friend i wanted to comfort him but i knew he needed the space.

Ashley fell back asleep and i walked out to find the doctor.

"um,excuse me but you where the doctor in that room with Ashley and Andy right?" i asked

"yes, jinxx right?" he asked i nodded

"OK, i'm doctor Conner do you have any questions?you are listed as someone that can know information about him." Dr.Conner said

"yea, um what's wrong with Andy?" i asked

"well, he has many injuries. including some internal bleeding near the spine, we had to do quite the bit of surgery on him. i'm surprised he made it to the hospital with his injuries. and Ashley is all good he just needs rest and eat a little more." he said

i nodded and was about to walk away when he told me something that made the world stop and to be honest i think i may have blacked out a little.

Sarah's POV.

i sat in the chair beside Ashley's bed holding his hand, Tyler behind me rubbing my shoulders. i had stopped crying a few minutes ago i feel at any moment i would start up again.

"oh Tyler what are we going to do Andy's in the hospital Ashley is not himself, i just don't want them to go through anymore pain." i said sniffling

"well, at least nothing can get any worse. things can only get better right?" he said with a small smile

i gave a small nod when i heard the door open i looked up, in walked jinxx with Jake and cc behind them. jinxx looked in shock and Jake and cc looked confused.

"what's going on?" Tyler asked as jinxx flopped down in a chair.

"i don't know when i went to get us something to eat i saw jinxx like this, babe what's wrong?" jake asked

"Andy......Andy has cancer.....and they don't know if he will ever wake up"

right then at that moment two things happen first it started to rain and second i heard my baby's heart monitor went go flat.......

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