chapter 18

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Ashley's POV. 

"w-w-what?" i stuttered 

"Andy is in the hospital...he was in a car accident" jinxx stated grabbing his coat and keys.

"who's coming?"  he asked looking at everyone.

i  looked at my mom and dad, they nodded and i told jinxx i was coming with. i grabbed my purse and headed outside with jinxx, i got in his car and buckled up. i was spaced out the whole  time, everything was moving really fast. nothing really felt real, i tried to convince myself that everything was fine but in the  real world where i was it wasn't.....

we arrived at the hospital before i was ready, i just stared at the entrance not really wanting to go  in and see the damage that Andy may be in. jinxx tapped my shoulder pulling me out of my thoughts, and to be honest i kinda wish he had just left me there.

we walked into the place that sent shivers down my spine and not in a good way. jinxx did most of the talking since i still hadn't come  to the realization that Andy was in here. i was still hoping they got the wrong Andy and that Andy was alright making his way back  to the house.

we began our journey down the never ending hallway, it was rather quite and that didn't sit well  with me. we finally stopped in-front  of a door which i assume was Andy's room, when we opened the door that was when everything hit me. This was real. everything was real. tears began making their way down my face, as i walked into the room. no matter how  much i wanted  to i couldn't look away from Andy, he was hooked up to machines and had tubes going in and coming out of him.

when i reached his bed i broke out into full on sobs and i'm pretty sure i would have fallen to the ground if jinxx hadn't have been there to catch me. and when i thought nothing could get any worse that's  when i heard it......a sound i could have gone my whole life without hearing.....the sound of a heart stopping....the sound of Andy's heart stopping.

i screamed his name telling him basically demanding him to come back to me and hold me. but he wouldn't listen all he did was shake violently while the doctors and nurses tried to help him.  jinxx dragged me out of the room, i tried everything to get back in the room but he just held me trying his best to calm me.

i was screaming and shouting so bad that a nurse came up to me with a needle and injected what was ever inside it in me. i slowly began to lose consciousness and the last thing i heard before falling into complete darkness was someone yelling 'WE'RE LOSING HIM!'

(hello my loves!! 

i'm sorry this is short but i just squeezed this in while  i was doing my homework and didn't really have time to come up with anything else. but yea i will try and update again later, i cant promise anything. 

i'm thinking about making a few more chapters and then beginning a squeal tell me what you think in the comments.

thank you everyone who reads/votes/and comments and everyone who follows me.

see you in the next update love you bunches bbbbyyyyeeee!!)

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