|Part 22|

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-Author's POV-

The smile never leaves the Geordie beauties lips. She's giddy and excited to see her family, the entire car journey is filled with memories being voiced, Kimberley always loved watching Cheryl speak with passion. She oozed confidence, her hands danced with her words, she speaks with magic. Taking you along with her, into a canvas drawn out and painted to perfection.

"Oh god! I just remembered" Cheryl groans, her hands fly to her face in a dramatic manner. Kimberley chuckles and waits for her to continue, two hours into the car journey and Cheryl was still dramatic as ever.

"My Mam doesn't know I'm gay!" She rambles frantically "Oh god.. Oh god! She's going to kill us! She's going to actually f!ckin' kill us.. Me Mam's had dreams for us" Her Geordie accent was evident and always stronger when she was in a panic, Kimberley only ever got to hear the accent in it's thickest when they were fighting or when her beautiful girlfriend was panicking manically.


"Kimba! She's goin' to f!ckin' kill us! You don't know me Mam!!" She cuts her off, falling back into the luxury limo seats, she releases a long puff of air - trying to tame down her heart.

"Can I talk now?" Kimberley slides over and lies beside the flustered brunette. She's trying not to allow the imaginable words curse through her mind. Cheryl knew her Mam loved her, but how much love could a mother have - 'I'm f!cking gay' she hisses to herself.

"Mm" She grunts and turns over to her side; allowing Kimberley to spoon her from behind. They were both silently thankful in this moment, thankful that Kimberley never drove and always had a driver taking them everywhere. She knew she'd need to learn to drive, or get Cheryl a car and have her drive them everywhere.

"Do you love me?" Kimberley whispers against Cheryl's neck, she places butterfly kisses along the pulsing skin - inhaling the sweet scent.


"So what does it matter what everyone else thinks?" It was the tone of Kimberley's voice that always calmed every nerve. But the doubt and the image of her Mam blowing off on them still twinges in the back of her mind.

"You don't know my Mam Kimba.. She practically had me dad run out on us from her craziness" They never spoke much about Cheryl's family, and this was the first time the blonde hears about it. She pulls her closer into her arms, the kisses were still being placed and the love was still evident in the luxurious car.

"Do you.. Do you love me enough to fight for what we have?" The confidence Kimberley once had was nowhere in sight. She was insecure and it only ever came out in moments of weakness, moments like this. The choosing and picking between a family and a lover, closing her eyes she waits for her girlfriends reply.

Cheryl turns around in Kimberley's arms and gives her a lingering kiss.

"I would fight baby.. I didn't say I wouldn't" Blue-greys reflect against the brown orbs that were always filled with laughter and happiness, they always seemed to cast serenity into her being.

"I care very much what my Mam thinks.. I would love her acceptance, that's all I meant by that." All her life she wanted to be loved by someone, and what she had with Kimberley was beyond words could describe. It was a feeling she could only be worded as eternity, it was the type of love that made you go dizzy with each kiss or touch - with each word.

"I'll make her accept us. She'll accept us.. I just need you to stand with confidence when you tell her. Confidence never fails babe" She was changing her, they were changing each other. It was always Kimberley's attitude and uncaring behavior the pushed away her partners, and Cheryl was always outspoken and outgoing; scaring everyone away. They weighed out all their pros and cons.

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