| Part 30 |

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-Author's POV-

They'd spent time together, making sure Kimberley's mind unoccupied with work and upcoming projects. She'd given up the ability to use her phone, unable to be reached from the Geordie hiding the device away.

She laughed at how crazy her life had become. A girlfriend who definitely wore the pants in the relationship, spoiled, and always got her way.

Life couldn't get anymore beautiful.

Kimberley awakens with a deep sigh, rolling over and grasping her naked girlfriend in a warm embrace. She remains in this position; with Cheryl molded perfectly into her, they melt into one. The spacious bed provides them room to freely roll around, tangling each other up in bed sheets.

"Mmm," Cheryl yawns. "Morning." She keeps her brown eyes shut, snuggling back into her girlfriends touch.

"Morning you," Kimberley whispers, placing a few kisses to the exposed shoulder, trailing her lips to the crook of Cheryl's neck. Her lips linger to the warmth, addicted to the sweet scent emitting off the olive skin.

"Did you have a good sleep?"

"I'm still sleeping," Cheryl yawns once more. "I'll let you know when I wake up."

"Hmm." Kimberley hums, wrapping her arms further around the perfectly slim waist. She loved her girlfriend's body, full and thick in all the right places, her chest just the right size, and of course, she loved the intimate spots that drove the Geordie crazy from a single touch.

"Are you planning to stay sleeping?" She asks, after a few short minutes.

"Mhm – just because you're up doesn't mean I have to be up."

Kimberley rolls her eyes at the reply.

"Alright, well I'm going down for a coffee—"

"Make me one and bring it up—"

"Funny," She scoffs. "Come down with me and we'll have one together."

Cheryl's eyes remain shut as she speaks, "Or you can bring mine up and have it up here with me."

Kimberley releases a groan, climbing out of bed and throwing on an oversized button up.

"You're a pain—"

"Love you too baby." Cheryl hums, snuggling under the white duvet.

Kimberley rolls her eyes, and exits the darkened master bedroom. The blinds were sealed shut, curtains drawing out any extra light that might seep through. Cheryl wanted to sleep in darkness, and that's exactly what they would sleep in.

She potters around the kitchen, making their cups of coffees.

A wide smile soon forms to her lips once finding her iPhone hidden in the back of the dishware cabinet.

"Aha!" She retrieves it and switches it on instantly. The coffee that was once being made is left in a hustled mess. She takes a seat at the breakfast table, going through her overflow of notifications.

A call comes through within the first second.


She answers it quickly.

"Miss Walsh?" Comes the breathless tone of her assistant.

"Nicola? How can I help you—"

"You've not been answering any of my calls! I've been taking on all the workload coming into your office, it's a mess – where are you?" She asks, rambling her questions out rapidly.

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