|Part 4|

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Cheryl's POV

"I'll be gone most of the day, I want you to go out and buy some clothes" She said, handing me a wad of cash as I followed her out to the front room

"You know you should really think about holding traveler cheques" I suggested accepting the money

"We may be going out evenings, you'll need something to wear" She breathed, picking up her satchel for work and throwing it over her shoulder

"Like what?" I asked, not really sure what I should be shopping for

"Nothing too flashy, and nothing too sexy... Conservative" She explained

"So boring" I rolled my eyes

"Elegant" She smiled, walking over to the door

"Any questions?"

"Can I call ya Kimba!" I giggled, hopping in my spot

"Not if you expect me to answer" she said ready to walk out

"I would have stayed for three thousand" I said randomly, she smiled widely; turning back around and walking over to me - her face inches away

"I would have paid six" she breathed, turning around and walking out

"I'll see you tonight" She called over her shoulder

"Baby, I'm going to treat you so nice.. you're never going to want to let me go" I said leaning against the door frame. She stood in the hallway looking at me for a few seconds, a pout playing on her lips

"Four thousand, for six days.. and Cheryl I will let you go" And with that she was gone, I don't know why but her words hit me - my smile disappearing slowly

"But I'm here now" I said to myself, the smile reappearing. I squealed running into the bedroom, and jumping on the mattress laughing and squealing loudly

"Four thousand pounds!!" I screeched out with excitement - never before seeing money like this in my life

"Oh my god! I should call Saz!" I quickly grabbed the phone and dialed our apartment number

"Hello?" She answered, and telling by her voice I knew I had woken her up with this call

"I called you and called you last night! Where were you?"

"Mum?" She shouted down the phone

"No its Chez" I giggled, she was always lost

"Oh! Hi, I had to party! Where are you?" She yawned

"Oh man! Are you ready for this?" I smiled, taking a deep breath

"The woman, The lotus? I am in her hotel room in Soho! THE penthouse! Her bathroom is bigger than our damn apartment Saz!" I rambled, commending Kimberley's life

"Do I have to hear this?" Sarah whined out of jealousy

"Saz! She wants me to stay the whole week" I said in disbelief

"And do you know what she's going to give me?" I continued

"Guess Saz! Guess, because you'll never guess!"

"Four thousand pounds!" I squealed once again, Sarah was screaming on the other line in excitement

"BULL SH*T!" She shouted

"I swear to god! And extra money for clothes to go shopping for later" I shook my head, just thinking about how generous Kimberley was

"Oh man! I am bummed I didn't get in the car instead of you! Four thousand really? Is she twisted? She has to be crazy!" She argued

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