|Part 14|

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Author's POV

Kimberley's heart is racing as she watches the luxurious streets change to crack houses, and broken down homes. It wasn't something she was used to - she couldn't believe her Cheryl would live around these types of neighborhoods.

It wasn't safe, it made her skin crawl with goosebumps with just the thought of living here. The driver pulls up to a complex that looks to be abandoned - but the women and children going in and out of the building make her think otherwise.

"I'll just be a few" She tells her driver and carefully climbs out of the car - she feels out of place. Everyone is staring at her, like she was some sort of alien. Her outfit alone could pay all their bills and debts they owed.

She scurries into the rotting building and goes over to the front desk - not really sure what to do. This was the first time she felt insecure and didn't know how to handle a situation.

"Can I help you?" The lady behind the desk rudely asks. Kimberley was used to happy faces and places that didn't smell of a rotting corpse.

"Yes.. I erm.. I'm looking for a Cheryl Tweedy" She clears her throat, she's looking around the lobby of the apartment complex, hoping Cheryl would appear from the stairs.

"That girl hasn't paid her bill for months and months! Who in the fck does she think she is having gues-"

"I'll pay her fee! How much does she owe?" Kimberley pulls out her wallet and gets the money ready - she needed this woman to pipe down

"£1780" The woman say's bluntly; she hands her the money and repeats her question whilst the woman counts the money.

"Room number 16.. Upstairs to the left" She hurries up the damaged stairs - she needed to find Cheryl, and she needed to find her now. She was working fast; she takes a deep breath and knocks on the door in a loud manner - her etiquette thrown out the window.

"Open this door! I know you're in there Cheryl!!" She bangs and kicks, she can hear movement on the other side of the door - clumsy footsteps. The door is swung open and a confused Cheryl is stood behind the door - she doesn't give her a chance to question her, she's kissing her.

She's kissing her like she hasn't seen her in years, her arms are wrapped around Cheryl's body in a tight hold - she needed her close. She needed to feel her, breathe her - she needed to show her just how much Cheryl meant to her. Cheryl was kissing her back with the same amount of passion, she was minutes away from leaving - her bus stands outside honking them back to reality.

"W-What.. What are you doing here?" Cheryl asks, her eyes are still dazed from that sudden kiss.

"Where are you going?" Kimberley asks, she doesn't even answer her lovers question - the suitcases alarm her.

"Where are you going?" She repeats once more, her eyebrows are furrowed together in confusion. Her voice held authority and dominance - she gently grabs Cheryl's forearm and pulls her further into the raunchy apartment. She doesn't dare to sit down on the sofas - they looked like they were filled with fleas and bad odor.

"I'm leaving.. T-The bus is here" She peels her arm away from Kimberley and begins to collect her things - she just wanted to go somewhere she belonged.

"No! You're not going anywhere" Kimberley grabs the bag off Cheryl and throws it back onto the ground - she didn't come here to argue. She cradles Cheryl's face in a loving manner and kisses her again - she's kissing her with the words 'I love you' repeating in her head. She's come to tell her those words, she's come here to declare her love for her and take her away - take her with her.

"You're not going anywhere" She whispers against her lips, she intensifies the kiss - she loved the feel of Cheryl's tongue in her mouth. It was different, it was special - and it was theirs. The bus drives off into the busy streets, leaving Kimberley's lover wrapped up in her arms - Cheryl is in such a lovesick rush she doesn't even bother to pull away and question Kimberley.

They stand in the middle of this messed up front room, the sound of police sirens and dogs barking coming from the opened window. They block everything out, nothing matters in this moment - their lips were all that mattered.

"Come with me" Kimberley says breathlessly, she rests her forehead against Cheryl's and looks at her with lustful eyes. Cheryl's trying hard not to smile, she doesn't want another rejection.

"Why? I'm not going to be your beck and call Kimberley.. I'm not going to wait for you to come through town.. I deserve the fairytale ending" She's speaking past the lump in her throat, she loved Kimberley - god she loved her. It was hard to imagine a life with just the nightly visits once a week, she wanted to be loved.

"Come back with me Cheryl... Come back as my girlfriend" Kimberley's words hit a cord within Cheryl - she's crying through her rapidly thumping heart.

"My girlfriend? Will you? Baby.. Be my girlfriend?" Kimberley is now too getting emotional; Cheryl nods and kisses Kimberley - their sobs being exchanged into this kiss. They're both emotional wrecks, they hold each other like their lives depended on it - they've never felt this was about another being before. It was new - to both of them.

"N-No more tears" Kimberley hiccups, she's wiping away both of their tears, they begin to laugh at how ridiculous they must look.

"Come on.. Let's get out of here" Kimberley takes Cheryl's things - she doesn't allow her to carry a thing. She was going to take care of her, she was going to be the best partner she has ever been - she was never like this.

She never allowed anyone to consume every single part of her - but Cheryl, Cheryl took every piece of her heart - the same heart she was selfish with. Nobody ever had a piece of it - it was protected from everyone.

"Come on love" Kimberley hands her driver the luggage and opens the door for Cheryl - this was just as new for Cheryl. All the attention, and the attentiveness - everything was new. She loved it, she loved the way Kimberley touched her, and spoke to her - like she mattered.

"Miss Walsh, we can still make it in time" Henry tells her, she nods sliding across the leather seats allowing him to close the door

"C'mere" Kimberley grabs Cheryl by her waist and sits her down across her lap - she needed to hold her. It felt like she had been gone from her life for years and she just returned. She was hers now, and she couldn't believe it - she was committing to someone; full heartedly

"Can I tell you something?" Kimberley asks, Cheryl bites her lower lip - her arms wrapping around Kimberley's neck. She too had something to say - she needed to get it off her chest.

"I have something to say too" She blushes, she was always cheeky and outspoken - she's suddenly nervous.

"Three words" Kimberley says, she places a kiss against Cheryl's bare shoulder

"Three words too" Cheryl replies, the sparkle in her eyes drowning Kimberley with light - her insides lighting up with a million stars and butterflies.

"I-" She kisses Cheryl's neck, trailing her lips up

"Love-" Her nose

"You" Their lips meet, Cheryl's whispering those three words back to her. Their lives were going to change - Cheryl changed Kimberley, as did Kimberley change Cheryl. Their hearts, soul and mind will forever be one.

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