|Part 15|

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Author's POV

"This is your fcking house!?" Cheryl gasps as the driver pulls up to the gated home, Kimberley giggles at her girlfriend's choice of words - her girlfriend. She didn't think she'd ever get sick of saying that.

"Our house" She corrects her, she climbs out of the car and holds her hand out for Cheryl to take - helping her walk across the graveled ground.

"I have a really beautiful garden in the back" Kimberley smiles, she always did love planting flowers - making her house beautiful. Giving it that 'Kimberley' touch

"Any roses?" Cheryl asks

"Lots and lots of roses" She replies, giving her a loving kiss against her blushing cheeks - nobody has ever gave Cheryl this much attention. She loved the way Kimberley looked at her, kissed her, touched her - it was everything about the blonde bombshell that drove her crazy.

"This is the inside of your fcking house!?" Cheryl gasps again, Kimberley can't seem to do anything but laugh - she was highly amused by the brunette's enthusiasm

"Our house" She corrects her again

"Miss Walsh, your bags?" Henry holds up the luggage's, she instructs him to take them up to their bedroom - giving her a chance to show Cheryl around the luxury home. She watches Cheryl's eyes light up with each room she takes her in, it was a euphoric feeling to make her girlfriend happy - she's had plenty of girlfriends; but Cheryl was different. Something felt different - she could see a future with her. She could never see a future with anyone else, this felt real - this was real.

"Fck my life" Kimberley was beginning to worry if her girlfriend would use that type of language around her friends and company they were sure to have - she didn't want to change her, she just wanted to help her.

"Baby, you can't use that type of language around company" She never did use pet names when they first met - it was supposed to stay professional. She never did intend on falling in love with her - but here she was, calling her 'baby'

"I know Kimba.. I'm not going to throw the 'f' bomb in front of your arse licking friends" Kimberley's eyes go wide as Cheryl laughs - she was definitely in for an adventure. This relationship will be different to any other ones she's ever had - Cheryl was going to bring out qualities she didn't know existed.

"So.. Where's our bedroom?" Cheryl purrs, molding her front against Kimberley's - arms wrapping around her neck. The silence of the huge home was nice - their voices only to be heard.

"Upstairs" Kimberley whispers against Cheryl's lips - their breathing hitting against the smoothness of both their flesh. Noses touching - eyes locked together.

"Carry me up" Cheryl places a barely their kiss against her girlfriends lips - Kimberley doesn't argue. She swiftly grabs Cheryl by her thighs and hoists her up - legs wrapping around Kimberley's waist securely.

"You sure you can carry me up? That's a lot of stairs" Cheryl giggles into the crook of her neck - placing urgent kisses against the silk skin. Kimberley was picking up her pace - needing Cheryl's body. She kicks the bedroom door open and walks the distance to the bed - throwing her girlfriend onto the mattress. She undresses herself quickly - leaving her underwear on. Cheryl doing the same, they were giggling as their lips met - the taste of her laughs always made Kimberley's body go into pure ecstasy.

"Mmm, right there" Cheryl moans, she bites her lip as Kimberley assaults her neck - she holds her head into place, needing more attention in that specific spot. Kimberley loved the fact she'd tell her where she wanted to be touched, what pleases her - she loved hearing her voice in bed. She trails kisses back up to her lips, the same lips she was rejected from - now they were all hers. The lips of her girl, were the most tasteful and luscious lips she had ever claimed.

"Tell me.. Tell me how much you love me?" Cheryl whines, she wants to keep Kimberley's lips attached to hers - she never wanted them to detach. It was something about the way they fit - they fit so perfectly against each other. They kiss, they kiss with so much passion and love - their tongues were in a rhythm. It was hunger, it was lust - it was love. Their arms are wrapped around each other - pressing them together as one.

"I want to stain your lips with my name... so even if years later we aren't kissing each other.. The one that kisses you after me will still taste the love I had for you" Kimberley says breathlessly, Cheryl's lustful eyes meet the sparkling blue eyes - she's speechless. She doesn't know what to say.

"Nobody's ever said something like that to me" She's suddenly emotional, her tears trickling down the ends of her eyes - she kisses her again. They kiss with tenderness, Cheryl's sobs escaping into Kimberley's mouth - she catches her emotions. She catches them into her mouth and seals them away - protecting her from everything.

"And nobody ever will" She mumbles, her hands begin to work - removing the offending laced material covering Cheryl's body. She wants to feel their skin against each other - she wants to feel every inch of her. Cheryl lays in all her nakedness - watching Kimberley take off her own underwear.

"God.. You're so beautiful" She breaths - she reaches her hand out to touch her, she was growing impatient. Kimberley doesn't let her wait any longer.

"Mmmm" They moan out in sync, their velvety skin coming into contact - they begin to rock naturally against each other. Lips and hands everywhere. They rest both of their foreheads against each other - never breaking eye contact. Their hips are rocking fast and faster - they want to cum together. They fuss their lips together, both of them losing each other in pleasure. They have never had a partner who made them feel this way - who would pleasure them into such a europhic state.

"I love you" Kimberley moans, they're both at the peak of their orgasms - they work together. The sound of heavy breathing and lips being smacked together echoing into the master bedroom.

"Ahh! K-Kimba...I.. Fck!" Cheryl throws her head back, her climax shuddering her entire body into indulgence - only Kimberley could ever make her cum like this. The blonde beauty puts a little more roughness into her rhythm, their orgasms oozing out of their system; sending them into a sex high. Kimberley lays atop of Cheryl - they breathe simultaneously.

"A-Amazing" Cheryl's voice is barely a whisper, she smiles with dazed eyes

"I love you too"

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