|Part 13|

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Cheryl's POV

"Hi Thompson" I smile, I wasn't going to leave without saying my last goodbyes to the man that helped me from the start - he didn't judge me.

"Miss Cheryl" He returns the warm smile, I always felt so comfortable around him - like I could be myself.

"I wanted to say goodbye"

"Well then I gather you're not accompanying Miss Kimberley back to London" he says with disappointment laced in his voice

"Come on Thompson.. You and me.. we live in the real world.. Most of the time" I say getting a chuckle out of him

"Have you arranged for transportation?" He asks thoughtfully

"I'm going to call a taxi" But he was having none of it - he shakes his head calling over the security in the lobby

"Allow me, Henry... Please take Miss Cheryl anywhere she wishes to go" He was such a genuinely caring man - and he's made my stay here even better. He was making me feel a little better for leaving all of this behind.

"Yes Sir" Henry replies, he takes my overload of things and beats me to the limo - the same limo Kimba and I would drive around the city in. I was going to miss her. I outstretch my hand to Thompson silently telling him 'thank you' - he takes it and places a friendly kiss to the top of it.

"It's been a pleasure knowing you... Come and visit us again sometime" There's sadness in his eyes - I guess I wasn't the only one sad for leaving. I was mainly sad for walking out on all of the people I had met, but there's that one person that stood out amongst the crowd.

"Stay cool" I pat his forearm, I didn't want to get emotional in front of him, I say my last goodbyes and head out to the awaiting Limo - driving me back to my reality.


Author's POV

It was when Cheryl was alone she allowed her emotions to be known, she silently cries all throughout the car journey back to where she belonged. She thought Kimberley would be different - she thought they both changed each other. For the better. She really loved her, she loved her with every inch of her fcked up mind and heart - they say never think with your heart, but Cheryl couldn't help it - Kimberley consumed every bit of her.

"We're here Miss" Henry speaks through the lowered partition - she gives him a teary smile letting him know she was thankful for his troubles. She takes in the different atmosphere; her surroundings aren't the same - but its home in some way. The stingy apartment she was staying at was nothing in comparison to the five star luxuries suite. Her life was so different, she didn't want this life anymore - she wanted to make a change for herself.

That night both women didn't sleep a wink, they lay in two worlds apart - both engrossed in each other's memory. 'What is she doing right now?' Kimberley ponders - 'Is she in bed with another man?' it was never in Kimberley's nature to get jealous or fall for someone she didn't intend to. They both loved each other - but one was more stubborn to believe it.

"I need to sleep" Kimberley sighs, she flips over from side-to-side - she misses the feel of someone resting soundly in her arms. Cheryl wasn't tangled up into her, she wasn't breathing peacefully. She feels lonely without her - and she's suddenly regretting ever letting her go. Sleep eventually falls onto the broken hearted women - the morning sun rises and they both wakeup with different motives.

Kimberley was ready to head back home and Cheryl was ready to make a change in her life - she was going to make something out of herself. She wasn't going to allow herself to get back into bed for money - no, she was going to educate herself with the money Kimberley had given her.

"Will that be all Miss?" The bellhop asks Kimberley, she mentally shakes herself out of her thoughts and replies


"I'll go ahead and bring these down for you" The man says, he leaves her once again - she's standing out on the balcony, for the first time she's ignoring her fears - this had more of a meaning than she knew. She will be standing up to her fears - sooner or later. Cheryl was collecting her things and finally packing all her belongings - ready to start her new life.

"Going back to Newcastle isn't all that great you know" Sarah tries to reason with Cheryl - she didn't want her best friend to leave. She knew she'd miss her dearly - they were like sisters in more ways than one.

"What are you going to go do there?" She adds, taking a seat on the bed where Cheryl was carelessly throwing all her belongings into her luggage

"Get a job.. Get my diploma.. I don't know. Do something with my life.. And maybe see my family" She shrugs, she hasn't seen her family in years - and she was afraid of what they would think of her once they did see her.

"I can make something out of my self.. I used to make pretty good grades in high school. Until I carelessly threw it all away"

"Yeah.. I could see that about you.. I could see that" Sarah nods her head in agreement - she knew Cheryl was never one for the streets, she was bright and out going, she didn't belong here.

"You sure you wont come with me?" Cheryl asks in a sad tone - Sarah had a part of her heart; she helped her when she was lost. She gave her a job, not the best job - but she still cared for her.

"And leave all this? Not in a million" Sarah says sarcastically - finally getting a laugh from Cheryl. She was down all day, not a smile appearing on her face - she missed her.

"C'mere" Cheryl opens up her arms for a much-needed hug - they stand in the middle of the wrecked apartment, nothing needed in this moment but their bond. They hug out all their emotions and their future 'I miss you's' because they will miss each other once Cheryl leaves.

"Wow! Wow.. What is that?" Sarah asks, as Cheryl hands her a wad of cash

"It's part of the Kimberley Walsh scholarship program" Cheryl says emotionally, she's cursing herself for allowing Kimberley to have this affect on her - she's always getting emotional at the mention of her name.

"What times your bus?" Sarah asks, she doesn't like seeing Cheryl like this - and she needed her to go before she too began to cry

"An hour"

"Okay well I gotta split.. Because goodbyes make me crazy.. So take care of you" Sarah gives her one final hug before she runs out of the apartment - she wouldn't allow Cheryl to see her cry.

Kimberley was finally ready to leave, doing her final signing and payments for the suite. She looked tired and distressed - you could see there was something on her mind. Something had affected her and it was Cheryl - she had broken her heart and she didn't know why. She didn't know that yes, she was in love with Cheryl too.

"You don't have any messages for me? Do you?" She asks hopeful

"No.. I am afraid not ma'am"

"Okay.. I erm.. I'm going to need Henry for the airport" She gives him a tired smile

"One last thing.. Can you please return this to the jewelry shop" She hands him the rented jewelry set that she had Cheryl wear nights before.

"Of course.. Um.. May I?" Thomspon asks politely, he gets a nod from Kimberley allowing him to look at the shimmering set - it was a breathtaking jewelry piece

"Must be so hard.. To let go of something so beautiful" thomspson spoke in riddles

"You know.. Henry drove Miss Cheryl home last night" He gives Kimberley a knowing smile

"Thank you Mr. Thompson" She gives him a nod and exits the hotel lobby. His words repeat over and over again in her mind. 'What did he mean?' she'd say to herself - it doesn't click into her head until she was half way to the airport.

"Henry! Please take me to Miss Cheryl's apartment!"

"Right away ma'am"

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