|Part 20|

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-Author's POV-

Cheryl's been driving Kimberley up the wall. She's sat herself, glued to the hip by her girlfriend. shaking her head with each person that came in for an interview - wanting to take over Rudy's position.

"Nope. Don't like her" Cheryl shakes her head. Kimberley lets out a long groan, she's growing frustrated and she's trying to keep her patience intact.

"Cheryl.. That's the fourth person you've said you don't like. What's not to like? Please care to explain?" Kimberley turns in her seat; Cheryl's trying to come up with something. She wasn't going to tell her that every single girl that walked through that door was drop dead gorgeous - she wouldn't allow herself. She was never insecure, but she didn't like the thought of Kimberley being around another beautiful woman.

"Her résumé is exceptional, and I'd hire her in a heartbeat.. Now if you don't have a good explanation then I'll give her a call back" She waits for Cheryl to explain.

"Well let's start with her dress choice. No woman should be fcking wearing a dress above the fcking knees to work! I don't like it!" Kimberley chooses not to say anything. She knew Cheryl was just being a possessive girlfriend, and in some weird way she liked it.

"Let's hope this next one decides on better attire" She rolls her eyes and settles back in the armchair. Cheryl's decided to squeeze herself in, forcing herself to sit beside Kimberley - she gave up on arguing with the Geordie. There was never winning when it came to an argument with Cheryl.

"This seating arrangement is highly inappropriate. I'm supposed to look professional and here I am with my girlfriend practically sat in my lap!" She hisses to a giggling Cheryl. Kimberley's irritated tone doesn't faze her, she always loved to tease her. She loved the fact she could get her worked up with a simple action.

"I just want to sit next to you.. Where's the wrong in that?" She rests her hand on Kimberley's thigh, giving it an affection stroke and squeeze.

"We are not at home-" The knock on the door stops their little bickering. Kimberley stands to her feet and walks over and opens it for the next interview.

"Hello" A nervous redhead shakes Kimberley's hand. Her sparkling blue orbs hide behind the large black specs. A smile makes its way to Cheryl's face - she's perfect.

"Please have a seat" Kimberley releases her hand and motions for the redhead to enter the modernized office.

"Baby come sit here" Kimberley's eyes widen; she pierces her lips at a smirking Cheryl. She was ruining her image in her workplace - nobody was going to take her seriously after today. The redhead sits timidly as she watches the scene unfold.

"Miss Tweedy. A word." Kimberley hisses to her girlfriend. She steps out of the office, Cheryl's heels clink behind her - indicating she had followed her out.

"Ooo Miss Tweedy aye? I like-" She wraps her arms around Kimberley's neck.

"Cheryl. Enough." She removes her arms with a bit of aggression, her temper was building up. Cheryl pouts comically.

"What? I'm bored." She huffs walking over to the reception desk, the corridors were empty and Kimberley was silently sighing with relief - glad there was nobody in sight.

"Oo! You can hire fire head in there. She seems alright"

"I haven't interviewed her yet.. Hey! C'mere" She pulls Cheryl back. She didn't want her stepping out where the commotion was held. She didn't want to make a scene; she didn't like the thought of gossip and her being the topic. She was the stern boss, she was the dominant figure in this large corporation and Cheryl was ruining her image.

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