|Part 23|

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-Author's POV-

"Baby" Cheryl nudges Kimberley from her peaceful slumber.

"Baby" Another nudge.

"Babyyyyy" She whines loudly, shaking her aggressively.

"W-What?! What!?" Kimberley shoots up from her position and nearly falls off the single bed they had been sharing.

"I have an idea" Cheryl bites her lower lip, brown orbs sparkling with excitement.

"You woke me up from my sleep for an idea!? Cheryl. I told you I was exhausted from our travels, what's it this time?" She tells off the brunette, sitting up properly, she reaches over and turns on the lamp; illuminating the bedroom with a soft glow.

"Do you love me?" She grins mischievously, leaning over to the blonde; she lies on top of her and pushes her back down onto the bed.

"Not right now I don't."

"Aw.. Not even a little?" She pouts, quickly kissing Kimberley back to a better mood. It was her lips, she would forever fall under a spell with the touch of their lips connecting - missing puzzle pieces colliding and molding together.

"What's your idea?"

"I want to go to the amusement park tomorrow"

"Please, don't tell me you woke me up for that!" Sighing annoyingly she pushes Cheryl off her and readjusts herself. Cheryl's smile is still spread wide, beaming as she giggles and shapes herself into Kimberley's back - spooning her tightly.

"Baby.." Her fingers trail into the blondes vest top and take comfort against her toned abdominal.

"Cheryl, I'm going to sleep. I suggest you do the same thing; I don't have time for this ridiculousness." She tells her off, and aggressively turns off the lamp. The darkness shadowing Kimberley's mood change.


"But nothing, go to sleep." She removes the stilled arms from around her stomach and makes some distance between them. "Next time you decide to have an idea leave it for when it's not stupid o'clock."

"Okay.." Cheryl squeaks and turns away from Kimberley. It was never in Kimberley's nature to lose her cool, especially not to the love of her life, but she didn't like the childish behavior Cheryl was acting. She needed maturity, especially at a time like this. Cheryl bites her lower lip, the sob begging to escape past her lips, but she forces it back. The tears flow silently, never going noticed by the sleeping blonde.

She cries herself to sleep.


Kimberley sits in the kitchen with her cup of coffee in one had and a newspaper in the other, it was the only way she got her mornings started. She sits with Cheryl's Mam on the breakfast table in a peaceful silence.

"Have you ever thought about moving out of this place?" Kimberley boldly asks, she takes in the broken home, it needed a lot of work and Kimberley hoped she could help out in someway.

"Move out? No never" Joan replies and takes a bite out of her toast. "I don't like change" She mumbles with her mouthful.

"Let me buy you a house" The successful woman wanted to help out the family, she's fallen in love with them. They were everything she hoped they would be, loving, caring and most of all, humble.

"That's not necessary, we've managed long enough in this-"


"Watch your mouth! This is me home you're badmouthing about!" Cheryl chooses this moment to walk into the sound of Joan shouting at Kimberley.

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