|Part 28|

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-Author's POV-

The couple awakens in unison that following morning, it wasn't a rough morning; it was delicate and gentle. Their bodies intertwine like beautiful puzzle pieces.

Cheryl groans and rolls on top of Kimberley.

Their warm naked bodies press beautifully together.

"Morning," The Geordie mumbles, "I'm tired."

Kimberley giggles, "Well," She begins, "It's a good thing we're not due anywhere." This gets Cheryl's smile to beam widely. She sits up and hovers over a grinning Kimberley.

"Does this mean?" The blonde nods in answer. "Really?" She squeaks.

"Really," Kimberley laughs and pulls Cheryl back into her arms. "I want to spend the day with you," She whispers sweetly. "I want to spend everyday with you.. Where do you want to go? Anywhere you like."

Cheryl sighs contently. "I just want to be with you."

Kimberley's heart melts.

"If that's what you want.. We can go for a nice walk.. it's really lovely outside? What do you say love?"

"Can we go and buy really weird food like? Try new things... I don't know." She shrugs cutely; a pout adorns her expression.

"Like I said, whatever you want."

Their lips mingle and fuss all through the morning, they spend their early hours feeling each others silky skin, their lips never part as they exchange each other's breathing.


Cheryl drags her girlfriend through the streets, Kimberley wants to protest, she wants nothing more than to just go back home. But, what Cheryl wanted, Cheryl got. So she allows the Geordie to take her whichever way she pleased.

The odd gazes and uncomfortable glares were thrown their way, it didn't bother them, and they never seemed to notice any of it when they were together.

"There was this cool place I saw the other day-"

"And when were you here the other day-"

"Well I actually saw it on the way to the hotel last night." Cheryl giggles cutely; Kimberley shakes her head with a smile.

With a tug, she gets the Geordie to stop her quick paces.

"C'mere," She grasps her girlfriend and kisses her affectionately.

There they stood in the busy streets of London, kissing their love into a deeper lust of pleasure.

"Baby," Cheryl giggles and pulls away, "We're in public."

The blonde wiggles her eyebrows and steals another kiss.

"Alright," She laughs, "Show the way me lady." Cheryl beams and yanks her girlfriend quickly, nearing the destination with each step.

They needed time for their love to rekindle; Kimberley desired to show the Geordie just how important she was to her. The thought of losing her girlfriend dawned on her, and she couldn't see a future without the crazy woman dragging her through the streets of London.

"First we're going to get some ice cream-"

"Cheryl, it's not even noon yet-"

"And then we'll go for a nice meal-"

"Can we at least have a proper breakfast?" It was never in Kimberley's nature to allow anyone to take control, but, she's given it all to her girlfriend.

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