|Part 9|

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Cheryl's POV

We lay side-by-side, in all our nakedness - wrapped up in crumbled sheets. Talking about our past and future; she let me talk about my hopes and dreams. She let me speak my mind, she listened - she took in every word I said. Absorbing it, she smiled as I spoke passionately - her fingers trace every structure of my face

"The first guy I ever loved was a total nothing... The second was worse" I began, telling her about all the heartbreak I had gone through in the past

"My Mam used to call me a trash magnet.. Any bad boy looking sleazy bloke I would be attracted to him. I was always going for the wrong person" I said, her fingers traced my lips for some while before retreating her hand back under her head

"That's how I ended up here.. I followed sleaze bag number three"


"So here I was.. No money.. No friends.. No sleaze bag" I shrugged, she laughed lightly

"So you chose this as your profession?"

"I worked at a couple fast food places.. But the money wasn't the same.. Parked cars at wrestling and footie matches... I just couldn't make the rent" I whispered, suddenly feeling very ashamed of myself. I had failed at life.

"I was too ashamed to go home.. That's when I met Sarah" I smiled

"She was a prostitute and made it sound so great.. So one day I did it-" I shrugged

"I cried the whole time.. But then I got some regulars and.. you know" She wiped the tear that trickled down my cheek - her face was soft and apologetic in a way I had never witnessed before

"It's not like somebody plans this.. It's not your childhood dream, to grow up one day and become a prostitute" I sniff, laughing at how silly I was for even crying

"You could be so much more" She whispered

"People put you down enough.. you start to believe it"

"I think you are very bright" Her voice was sincere and filled with emotion

"You're a very special woman, you just need to start believing in yourself" She smiled sadly, her eyes shinning with unwashed tears

"The bad stuff is easier to believe" I said in a hushed tone, our voices were whispers, in a way it would be a crime to raise our tone in this moment - There was something special about it.

"You ever notice that?" I asked her

"I grew up living in a house with parents who constantly filled my mind with discipline.. They wanted me to be perfect all the time. I work constantly.. I never stop working.. Because I believe I'll never live up to my parents expectations" She confesses

"You're the hardest working person I've come to know" I whispered to her, both our eyes fluttering shut - sleep washing over us.


Kim's POV

"You can't leave now! We're in this too deep!" Rudy panics as I walk out of my office, he followed me as I walked over to my secretary

"Don't panic Rudy! Moris isn't going anywhere.. I'll be back here in the morning" I inform Carla

"Did you send the tickets to the hotel?" I asked her

"Yes ma'am"

"Thank you" I smiled, walking away with Rudy still hot on my tail

"Where are you going!?" He asked, throwing his hands in the air - trying to keep up with my pace

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