| Part 32 |

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Author's POV

Kimberley arouses the following morning, nearly falling out of bed as she retrieves her cellphone that's blaring through the silent space. She manages to slip out of bed, and exit the room without waking the sleeping Geordie.

"Hello?" She answers, her voice still laced in sleep.

"Kimberley, it's your mother."

"Yes?" She sighs, perching down to the grand stairs. "Is everything alright?"

"I wanted to have you around for lunch today. All your siblings will be here."

"I'll see if the opportunity will be given, mother. We have a full schedule today—"

"Just be there." The phone call ends before she can argue further.


"Is everything okay?" Cheryl whispers, leaning against the doorframe completely naked.

"Yeah, yeah. Get back in bed." Kimberley smiles lightly, standing to her feet and walking back into the bedroom with her girlfriend alongside.

Cheryl instantly cuddles up to the blonde, noticing something wasn't right straightaway.

"What's the matter?" She asks, stroking the bare chest of Kimberley's small mounds lovingly.

"My Mum invited us around for lunch today." The blonde clears her throat, unsure how her girlfriend would feel about this. After all, the last time they were invited, it didn't end well.


"If you don't want to go we wont. You just say the word." Cheryl smiles, Kimberley extra adorable when she was nervous, although she'd never admit it.

"Well," Cheryl clears her throat, "You'll be there, wont you?"

"Of course, where else would I be?" They share a morning smile, followed by a sweet kiss.

"Can I be honest?" Kimberley whispers, running her fingers through her girlfriends silk chocolate waves.

"Yes please."

"I kind of want to kill my brother," She whispers, getting the beat of Cheryl's heart to fly through the roof. "I can't look at him the same ever again.. Especially after discovering what he did." Kimberley forces the tears back, looking away form her compassionate girl.

"Kimba, baby, look at me for a minute." Cheryl strokes Kimberley cheek; their eyes meet in spark. "It's in the past.. I'm.. Well, I was used to it. I was used to men taking advantage of me.. But now I have you—"

"That's no excuse."

"We'll have to make it one then."

Kimberley sighs, but gets stopped by Cheryl's palm covering those plump lips of hers.

"Don't start – what time do we have to be at your parents?"

"Noon." Her words muffle against the Geordie's hand.

"Okay, that gives us time for some cuddles." Cheryl giggles, slotting herself closer, uncaring of how the day will playout.

"I have a question." Kimberley whispers, stroking her girlfriends bareback lovingly.


"Doesn't it.. Doesn't it scare you?" She asks, unsure if the question made any sense.

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