|Part 2|

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Kim's POV

"Can I use the bathroom?" She asked, fidgeting in her spot

"Yeah of course" She raised from her seat; grabbing her bag in the process. I was really enjoying my time with Cheryl - I didn't know what it was. She wasn't like anyone I would ever see myself talking to; she was different. I guess that's a way of putting it. I don't know how long she took in there, but it was longer than what my dangerous mind liked. I always seemed to think the worse of people - always waiting for them to let me down. Before I got off my seat her voice echoed through the hotel suite

"I'll be out in just a minute, that champagne kind of got to me" She said with a laugh and that's when I heard the bathroom door shut - my eyebrows instantly furrowing together; what had she been doing all that time in there? I got off my seat and went to where the bathroom was - opening the door to make sure she was okay

"Are you okay?" I asked, her hand instantly flying behind her back hiding something in her hand

"Ahh.. I said, I'd be out in a minute" She said nervously, I looked at her for a few seconds trying to figure out what she was hiding

"What.. What are you hiding behind your back?" I asked, pointing my finger to her

"Nothing" She shook her head, I sighed walking over to her

"Alright, I think its time for you to go.. I don't want any drugs here, take your things and your money and please leave" I said grabbing her elbow and her bag pushing her out of the bathroom

"I don't do drugs alright, I stopped doing drugs when I was fourteen!" She said raising her voice

"Then what's this?!" I said trying to pry her clenched fist open and when I got it open; I blinked a few times - this girl surprised me more and more as the night passed

"This.. This is dental floss" I laughed holding it up to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me

"Yeah.. So.. I had all those.. strawberry seeds stuck in my teeth and you shouldn't neglect your gums" She whispered, suddenly getting embarrassed

"I'm sorry, please continue" I apologized putting her bag onto the sink, I stood by the door and I couldn't seem to be able to look away - she was captivating me into her world; drawing me in

"Are you going to watch?" She asked, raising her eyebrow through the mirror

"No.. I'll, I'll be in the front room" I smiled shutting the door behind me. I seemed to be sitting with a dazed smile spread across my face - if anyone were to walk in right now they'd think I had gone mad. She walked into the front room looking at me with her eyebrows furrowed together

"You okay?" She laughed lightly taking a seat beside me

"It's just.. A few people surprise me" I admitted

"Yeah.. Well you're lucky - everyone shocks the hell out of me" She said and we both dissolved into laughter - we were so different; but so much alike at the same time.


Kim's POV

I was sat on the sofa as she laid on her front watching an old classic film being played on the telly - she was surrounded by all types of snacks; eating them away with so much excitement.

I was trying to get some work done but her laugh was intoxicating, giggling and howling away at the film. I didn't know what film we had been watching, because I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of her. She must have noticed me staring because she turned around and smiled at me - her beautiful dimples put fully on display

"I have a little.. Carpet picnic-" She said waving her hands around the mess she created on the floor

"-You sure you don't want to join me?"

"No thank you, Can't you tell I'm having the time of my life right now?" I smiled as she laughed - she understood my sarcasm. She went from laughing her head off to meeting my eyes, we just sat there staring at each other for what seemed like forever, and then suddenly the stare became intense; filled with lust. She crawled over to me before straightening up and kneeling in front of me.

She pulled off her crop top showing off her black lacey bra - her breasts were the most beautiful things I have ever laid my eyes on, perfectly tanned - perky and mouth watering. She kept eye contact with me as she took off her tiny shorts leaving her in matching underwear.

Her hand began to travel up my black trousers; a smirk played on her lips as she pulled my legs apart pushing me closer to her with aggression in her touch. She took my paperwork from my hand and threw them onto the coffee table before unbutton my blouse showing her my modesty - my red bra was on display for her

"What do you want me to do?" She whispered, her face milimeteres away - I could feel her hot breath hitting my lips

"What do you do?" I asked, my voice becoming huskier as desire laced into it

"Everything. Except I don't kiss on the mouth" My eyes traveled down to her lips as she spoke those words

"Neither do I" She complied me to say - she smiled lowering her mouth finding it's way onto my neck - sucking down on my pulse. My heart rate increasing as her touch became more urgent

"Mmm" Moaned biting down on my lower lip, she was tearing off my clothes - discarding them all around the front room leaving me in the same state as her

"Come here" I whispered pulling her onto the sofa with me - our limbs tangled up - I wanted to kiss her; I wanted to feel her lips. But I couldn't; so I kissed her skin, her skin smelt of sweet vanilla and jasmine. It was intoxicating.

"Let me" I said, she was about to pull of her bra until I took control; unclasping it and throwing it off to the side. Her perfect bosoms were in my face; showing me her perfect round and tanned mounds; hungrily I claimed one in my mouth - her hips rocking against me

"I-I ahh" She couldn't string a sentence together - my hands traveling down to her backside giving it a rough squeeze

"L-Let m-me please you" She breathed, my lips detaching themselves from her breasts letting her take control

"I've never done this before, but i'm going to try my best" She was nervous, she was scared - her tough act and cheeky attitude long gone.

"I'll help you" I said, it was a hard job keeping eye contact with her as she began lavishing my chest kissing down my trembling body - she eased my lacy underwear off

"Spread your legs?" She asked, in a way she was asking me if that's what I should be doing

"Use your fingers, it's easier" I smiled, she nodded her head - taking me by surprise as she latched her mouth onto my soaking center

"Fck!" I gasped

"Fck! You k-know what you're doing!" I moaned, she was attacking me - eating me like she had done this all her life. Her fingers easing themselves into me. My body was rocking frantically along with her fingers - I was close

"That's it!" I screamed, my orgasm shot through me - sending me completely over the edge.

"Like that? Do you like that baby?" She purred reappearing from my legs, stroking my throbbing clit - my orgasm disappearing with each thrust

"Mmm" I laid there trying to collect myself

"I'll be in bed" She whispered placing a kiss against my knee and walking out of the front room. I grinned to myself - that was the best orgasm I had ever received. After an hour of just laying there I decided to have a shower - the steam was relaxing my now pleased body. I smiled getting out of the shower, the earlier events not leaving my memory.

I walking into my bedroom seeing her clothes discarded on the chair along with her blonde wig. Curious I walked over to the bed - she was breathtaking. Her long brown locks cascading along her bare back as she lay on her front. I couldn't look away, she was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes on.

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