|Part 17|

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Author's POV

Cheryl wakes up in a sleepless panic, the sneaky sun streaming through the gap of the luxury curtains get her eyes to dart quickly to the digital clock.

"Baby!" She gives her sleeping girlfriend a rough shove - jolting her out of dreamland.

"Hmm?" She groans, turning her body away from Cheryl - she wasn't ready to wakeup just yet.

"Baby! You're late! Wake up!" She tries to give her another rough shove but Kimberley turns quickly and stops her hands from touching her. In the short time she's been with Cheryl, she almost feels as if she knows everything about her, every move she would make, every remark she would say - everything.

"I don't have work today, hence why my alarm didn't go off" Her voice is huskier and deeper in the mornings; it cracks to life - allowing Cheryl to know she still needed some rest.

"Why don't you have work?" Cheryl asks, her eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. Kimberley smiles. She pulls Cheryl into her, resting her girlfriend's head on her chest - she sighs contently before speaking.

"I've taken the day off.. I want to spend the day with my love." She can feel Cheryl's smile, she can hear it - she was smiling along with her.

"You didn't have to" Cheryl whispers in a cute voice, her fingers playing with the hem of Kimberley's sleepwear top.

"I did, I know you've been upset at the fact we've been at events everyday. I don't want you thinking that my work is more important than you... I'm hiring a new lawyer to take Rudy's place.. But-" She stops talking about work once she notices Cheryl's frowning face. She knew Cheryl loved to hear about her day, and how work went - but she also loved the sweet talks they'd have, that didn't include work.

"I'll save that for another day.. Today it's just you and me baby. What do you want to do?" She asks, her hands run through the long chocolate brown locks - Cheryl sighs with a smile, her eyes fluttering shut at the loving contact.

"Can we maybe.. Do some gardening?" Cheryl asks shyly, this takes Kimberley by surprise - she didn't think it would be her thing. What she didn't know is that Cheryl wanted to be involved in all of Kimberley's hobbies, likes, dislikes - she wanted to be apart of her everyday.

"Really?" Kimberley smiles. She wanted to garden with her beautiful girlfriend more than anything. She couldn't help but remember her previous relationships - they were only interested in the extravagant restaurants and luxury shopping trips, all at Kimberley's expense.

"Yeah.. You told us about your rose garden.. Maybe we can plant some roses together?" Cheryl crawls on top of Kimberley, laying full atop of her - looking at each other with their sparkling eyes - the eyes that were filled with so much love.

"I'd love that.. Can I have my kisses now?" Kimberley pouts playfully, Cheryl giggles against her lips. She'd never get sick of Cheryl's perfectly sculptured lips, this was her luxury - holding her girl, and kissing her. They kiss with passion, Kimberley's hands wrapped tightly around Cheryl's waist - holding her closer than ever. The kiss grows deeper with lust, what was meant to be a simple good morning kiss turned into pure thirst for the sweet taste both women had growing with arousal.

Kimberley flips her girlfriend over and takes control, their lips never leaving each other - their tongues rolling around in a frantic dance. Hands and lips everywhere - always gentle. They help each other out of their minimal wear, their skin coming into contact - getting moans from both sex hazed women.

"I love morning sex" Kimberley groans against her girlfriend's lips, their hands are desperate for their touch - almost limited by time.

"Mmm" Cheryl bites her lower lip and turns her head to the side, giving Kimberley better access of her smooth neck. She smelt of sweet coconuts and a distinctive Cheryl scent.

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