|Part 19|

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-Author's POV-

Cheryl lies on her stomach as she watches her girlfriend turn the the fireplace on to life. She loved Kimberley's dominant nature; even Kimberley herself didn't know how dominant she was. The fire roars with reds and oranges - getting Kimberley to return to her girlfriend's side.

"Do you want some wine?" She asks. Cheryl nods her head with a shy smile; she couldn't seem to look away from Kimberley. There was so much to talk about tonight - but all she wanted to do was stare at her. Her staring doesn't bother Kimberley; in fact she loved the way her girlfriend was currently looking at her - lust in both their eyes.

"Here babe.. Sit up a bit" Kimberley hands Cheryl her wine glass and takes a seat beside her. Her left leg wraps around Cheryl - Pulling her to lie against her front. They don't talk for sometime, they sip their wine and allow the fire to consume every bit of their time.

"I'm sorry about tonight" Kimberley breaks the silence. She places a kiss against Cheryl's neck - apologizing with her kisses.

"It's fine.. I was just a bit upset with the way your Mum and sisters were talking to me. I was only trying to respect them.. You know.. For you" She shrugs. She wasn't going to verbally attack Kimberley's family, because after everything they did, and the way they treated her - she still wanted their approval.

"Sod them. I don't care.. I never did." She downs her wine in one big gulp. She wasn't bothered with drinking tonight - she just wanted to listen to Cheryl speak.

"Can you be honest with me?" Cheryl asks. She turns slightly in her arms - needing to look at those majestic eyes she's come to love.

"Of course"

"Are you still hurt with your Mum taking your dad back.. You know.. After he left you's?" This question takes Kimberley by surprise, but she doesn't allow her facial expression to change. She takes a long thought - pondering the Geordie's question.

"I'm hurt she allowed herself to run back into his arms.. Like he didn't leave us for five years or so.. Like he didn't neglect us. I still choose to not speak to him, I know he tries.. But I'm still very angry with him.. With them. All of them." Cheryl got her answer. She wanted to make this family whole again - but she knew Kimberley didn't want to re-patch things with her father.

"Tell me about the night you met my brother" Kimberley whispers gently. Her hands wrap around Cheryl - afraid she'd run out of the room. She wanted Cheryl to open up to her - let her in to her dark past.

"He was drunk.. They all were" She closes her eyes at the memory. Kimberley's heart was beating fast, she's trying to imagine her brother raping her girlfriend - but to her it was unimaginable.

"They dragged me to the alley.. It was late.. There wasn't anyone around. I-I told them to stop.. I begged" The tears slip and pour down her cheeks. The fire illuminating her face - glowing and glimmering the evident tears.

"Okay.. That's enough." Kimberley's anger was bubbling; she didn't want to do something stupid. She couldn't listen to the rest of this terrible memory her girlfriend went through - she wanted to tear her brother to shreds.

"Promise this wont change anything between us" Cheryl whispers past the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat. She doesn't want this to strain their relationship - she doesn't want this relationship to ever end.

"It wont change anything between us.. But I can't promise I wont change towards my brother." She speaks honestly. Cheryl sets her wine glass and fully turns around - her arms wrap around Kimberley's neck. She looks close into the eyes that gave away more than they knew - her eyes spoke the hurt she was feeling.

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