|Part 8|

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Cheryl's POV

"What if someone recognizes me?" I asked Kim, we had arrived at a polo match and I was more nervous than ever before - I didn't want to make Kimba look bad

"Not likely-" She laughed lightly

"They don't spend much time in East London" I had my hands behind my back; gripping onto the door handle

"Come on.. Let go" She wrapped her arms around my waist, prying my hands free

"Alright.. You look beautiful, and you look like an elegant woman. You're going to have a wonderful time" She complemented me, taking both of my hands in hers and bringing them up to her lips - placing sweet kisses along my knuckles. I gave her a shy nod, making her smile

"Okay, don't fidget and smile" She instructed me as she laced our fingers together and made our way to the seating area filled with happy posh people. They all had their glass of champagne and were chatting about their wealth - I didn't see anyone actually paying attention to the polo match. I had decided on a blush pink dress that flowed just past my knees, matching it with a blush pink fedora flappy hat

"Come I want to introduce you to some people" She said, I was always happy when she would say something like that - it showed me that she wasn't embarrassed of me

"This is Lezly and Lexi the infamies Olsen sisters" Kimba commended them

"Who have made marrying well an art form" she joked, her arm never leaving from around my waist

"Kimberley!" Someone called her

"I'm sorry, I'll be back in just a second" She smiled at me and left to where she had been called

"So you're the flavor of the month" Lezly said, I tried to bite my tongue - I kept saying to myself 'Kimberley would get upset if you killed a hoe in the middle of a polo match'

"Ah.. She's just joking.." She looked at her sister, and turned her attention back to me - speaking with a lower tone

"All the girls want Kimberley, gay or straight she's the most eligible bachelorette.. Everybody is trying to land her" She waved her hand and took a sip out of her bubbly

"Well I'm not trying to land her.. I'm just using her for sex" I smiled sarcastically - walking away leaving her gob smacked. I walked over to Kimberley seeing her stood alone watching the match

"Well done!" She cheered clapping her hands

"WELL DONE! WOO WOO WOO!" I barked, fist pumping my hand into the air - making everyone look at me with narrowed eyebrows

"Tell me again why we're here?" I rolled my eyes, I wanted to leave so badly - I couldn't stand the sight of all their smug faces

"Business" She said, keeping her eyes focused on the horses sprinting back and forth

"Business mingling?" I questioned

"Yeah" She said, the horn went off signaling the first quarter to be over

"Kimberley!" Does everyone round here want Kimberley's attention? I rolled my eyes, seeing a short bald man make his way over to us

"Rudy" Kim smiled, shaking his hand - along with a woman that followed in 'Rudy's' trail

"I want you to meet a friend of mine, Cheryl Tweedy" She introduced me

"Hello Rudy Stockie, this is my wife Elizabeth" He said shaking my hand, followed by his wife's

"Always a pleasure meeting one of Kimberley's girls" She smirked, looking me up and down

"Oh my god! It's Tate" She said, leaving us alone with Rudy - glad she left, because I would have thumped her in the face if she had stayed long enough

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