| Chapter 34 |

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-Author's POV-

Cheryl stirs in her sleep, shuffling around until she was back in her girlfriend's warm embrace. Last night was fcuking incredible, she'd mentally thought. They needed to get their frustration out on hot passionate sex. Of course, the cheeky Geordie knew her uptight girlfriend would forgive her, easily.

She loved her.

She fcuking loved her.

As did Kimberley. It still couldn't be processed in the blondes mind, how someone, so opposite of her, has completely won over her heart.

"Wake up." Cheryl whispers, softly. She places gentle kisses to her girlfriend's neck, waking her with each kiss, pressing repeatedly to her neck.

"Mmm." Kimberley groans, awakening. "You're going to get it." Her voice cracks to life, rising a smile to Cheryl's lips.

"Am I in trouble?" She giggles, continuing her kisses.

"Yes." Kimberley's eyes flutter opened, the early light hides behind the dark curtains, manipulating the mind to believe morning had yet to come.

Cheryl giggles, cutely. She snuggles further into her girlfriend's arms, melting into the warm, loving touch.

"Time is it?" Kimberley yawns, placing a kiss to the Geordie's head.

"It's late, we slept in." She lies, biting her lower lip, knowing if she confesses the time, she would be dead.

"Damn." Kimberley yawns, "Why am I so exhausted—"

"It's called good sex, baby." Cheryl smirks, knowing she had her girl in a trance.

"Well," Kimberley clears her throat, "I'm not one to speak about my previous sexual partners—"

"Just admit that I'm the best you've ever had—"

"Is someone growing five heads?" Kimberley pulls her girlfriend back, lingering a confused expression.

"Stop talking shite."

The blonde giggles, "Me? I'm not the type to even .. talk... shite?" She shrugs, "What ever that is meant to mean—"

"You know," Cheryl smirks, "If you're planning to marry me one day, then you have to pick up on me lingo."

"Lingo?" Kimberley giggles, falling back into the mountain of pillows. "When I used to imagine my future wife, I always imagined a very... Domesticated one?"

Cheryl rolls her eyes, "Well life just threw you a fcuking curveball."

"Is there a need to curse all the time—"

"Yes actually there is," Cheryl sits up on her elbow, looking down at her girlfriend. "I think it.." She bites her lower lip, "Gives character—"

"It doesn't—"

"It so does." The Geordie argues further, always winning. "Hows about we do something fun today," She sits up, Kimberley still remaining comfortable on the mattress.

"Why?" Kimberley pouts, "Do I not give you much entertainment?" She raises an eyebrow, "And plus, I have to get to work soon."


"I've been off balance recently, I don't think my employees are taking me seriously." Kimberley narrows her eyes at the giggling Geordie, "I wonder who's to blame."

"Not me." Cheryl shakes her head, "No-No!" She howls out in laughter as Kimberley pulls her back down to the bed, tickling and kissing her endlessly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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