|Part 11|

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Cheryl’s POV
“What are you thinking about sitting here all by yourself?” I asked Kimba, walking over to the breakfast table and placing a hesitant kiss against her lips – I took my seat beside her plating myself up some breakfast.

“The fact this will be our last night together” She said, taking a sip out of her morning tea

“Then you’ll finally be able to get rid of me” she laughed lightly, I felt a pang against my heart – I wasn’t ready to leave. I wanted to stay here – with her

“Well.. You have been pretty tough to tolerate” I joked; I was trying to lighten up the mood – trying to not let myself well up with tears. I was always sensitive and I wouldn’t be surprised if I began to cry in front of her; but I won’t. I’m strong than that.

“My business is almost over, so ill be heading back to the other side of London” She said, wiping down her mouth an placing the napkin on her now empty plate – she sat back wrapping her arm around my shoulder watching me eat my breakfast

“I’d really like to see you again” She said, sincerity laced in her voice – almost as if she was sad letting me walk out of her life

“You would?” I smiled, sitting back in my seat and melting into her touch – she placed the palm of her hand on my cheek; our eyes meeting

“Yes.. Yes I would” She smiled, leaning in – but stopping to make sure it was okay that she was about to kiss me. I gave her a shy nod letting her claim my lips, over-and-over again

“I can arrange for you to have an apartment, have a car, have a wide variety of stores guaranteed to suck up to you anytime you want to go shopping.. Everything’s done” She said, I pulled away from her – rubbing my forehead as I tried to take in what she had just said

“What else?” I sighed, I was upset – and I had no right to feel this way

“Are you going to leave some money by the bed when you pass through town?” I asked, I was looking off straight ahead and I could see from the corner of my eye – watching her tense up and surprising her that I didn’t take up on what she offered

“Cheryl, it really wouldn’t be like that” She argued, she wanted me to understand where she was coming from – but I couldn’t.

“How would it be?” I turned around to look at her – I wanted to see it in her eyes as she told me how exactly it would be like, because I still felt cheap and unwanted in this moment. She could only manage to make me feel this way and it saddened me.

“Well for one thing, it would get you off the streets” She reasoned

“And that’s what you would want? Wouldn’t you” I said, getting off my seat and walking over terrace knowing she wouldn’t come out here. I took in a deep breath – taking in the morning air. I couldn’t believe that this was it, this was the end of us – I should have known. I’m nothing but a prostitute to her.

“Cheryl, what is it you want?” She asked, standing by the terrace doors

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