|Part 25|

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-Author's POV-

-Author's POV-

Cheryl arouses that Sunday morning, eyes still closed as hands roam the empty bed. She frowns once her warmth comes into contact with the coldness where Kimberley once rested. Brown eyes flutter open; they rove the hotel bedroom in hopes to catch a glimpse of her girlfriend. Her frown is short-lived as she finds Kimberley out on the terrace chatting away on her phone, hands expressing along with her words.

Delicately, she climbs out of bed and covers her modesty with the white robe available in the room.

"I told you Nicola! I am not making deals over the phone! I suggest you get this sorted by the time I come back! I hired you knowing you were responsible - I don't care if it's a once in a lifetime opportunity! Fix it!" Kimberley ends the call with aggression.

"Morning" Cheryl whispers from the door, Kimberley sighs and turns around meeting the sad brown orbs.

"I thought you weren't going to work while we were here?" She asks.

"I couldn't just ignore her calls." The frustration still evident in the blonde's tone, she was bubbling and boiling and needed to get her anger out. Cheryl chooses the wrong time to speak to her; the mental whistles were still blowing.

"You usually wake us up before starting your day.." Cheryl trails off, her eyes resting on the city that lies ahead. Her city. This was her home, and she's missed it deeply.

"Is this you trying to make me feel guilty? You were sleeping. I've been on the phone for about an hour now." Kimberley rolls her eyes and turns around, giving the Geordie her back.

"Feels like we're always fighting" Cheryl speaks in a low tone, she doesn't want to set off her girlfriend anymore. But, she wanted to speak her mind, and heart. It was never in her to hold any thoughts or emotions, especially when it came to her partner.

"We've not been fighting." Kimberley begins, speaking off to the distance. "It was only yesterday" She feels arms wrap around her waist, kisses follow against her neck as Cheryl silently begs her not to go off. She sighs, melting into her touch.

"Please, no more fighting."

"We're not fighting Cheryl, just because I'm a bit frustrated doesn't mean I'm fighting with you." She tries to get her to understand.

"Do you want to talk about that phone call?" Cheryl asks, changing the subject swiftly.

"No.. Not really.." It was Kimberley's tone, the Geordie beauty could tell something was on her mind. She wanted her girlfriend to flourish and open up to her, because that's what you did with the person you loved, you showed them every aspect of yourself - good and bad.

"Come, let's go inside" They walk back into the room in silence. Wordlessly shuffling back into bed and lying silently as they aimlessly stair at the ceiling with distance between them.

Cheryl decides to speak up first.

"She was my best friend in high school" She brings up the confrontation yesterday, it had been swirling and tearing her apart. Mentally, she couldn't handle it any longer and needed to talk about it.

"We did everything together" She giggles, simultaneously; they turn around and face each other. Their hands lock and lace in the most natural way.

"Everything?" Kimberley raises her eyebrow.

"Not everything.. But, we used to be inseparable. Then one year, she started getting really territorial and only wanted me to be her friend.. Then she eventually told me that she wanted us to be together.. And we might have kissed."

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