| Chapter 33 |

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-Author's POV-

Kimberley forces herself not to laugh; no she wasn't going to erupt a single giggle.

"You seriously can't be upset with us?" Cheryl's brown orbs grow, "I'm sorry but your Mum and sisters are right b*tches—"

"That is enough—"

"I'm your girlfriend!" The Geordie grits, "I don't understand why you're even upset with us. You didn't allow me to give my side of the story." She huffs, shuffling away from the frustrated blonde.

"I'm sorry," Kimberley whispers. "I had an argument with my father before I came looking for you – only to find you telling my Mum and sisters how I fcuk you!"

Cheryl snorts.

"It's not funny! It's mortifying."

Cheryl laughs, wholeheartedly.

"I am not giving in to this foolishness."

This only gets the Geordie to laugh harder, snorting a few times in the process.

Kimberley huffs; unable to control the smirk painting to her lips.


"Be quiet."

"Oh my god!" Cheryl howls, "That's the f-funniest thing ever." She falls down to the limo floor, clutching her stomach.

"Get up."

"Oh my god!" Cheryl repeats, squirming around in hilarity.

Kimberley rolls her eyes, huffing.

"How can you and I even be together?" She remains on the floor, giggling a few times.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Total opposites do attract." Cheryl sniffs, smiling up at her girlfriend with love.

"I am quite normal, it should be I asking such a question—"

"Oh quit the fcuking posh talk," The Geordie groans, crawling back up to her seat. "You seriously do realize you're talking to me? Right? Meaning you don't have to talk like you're addressing one of your damn workers." She rolls her eyes, fixing her messy chocolate locks.

"I can't help it." Kimberley sighs, pouting slightly.

"Your Mum and sisters wanted us to go to the annual Walsh party." Cheryl sarcastically waves her arms around, receiving an eye roll from her girlfriend.

"That's why I argued with my father, actually."


"And that's why I was angry when I took you out of the house, I apologize." Kimberley smiles softly, "Really, I'm sorry."

Cheryl pouts, kissing her girlfriends cheek sweetly, "What happened?"

"He was practically demanding I go to that dinner party," She sighs softly, "Saying something about these new entrepreneurs he's invited and wants me to meet."

"We can go, baby, I don't mind. But don't think I'll be—"

"We're not going." Kimberley cuts her off, sharply. "It's unnecessary, and the only reason he's invited me is because he practically feeds off my success."

Cheryl smirks, playing with her girlfriends collar. "So why not go there and take these entrepreneurs for yourself?"

"What do you mean?" Kimberley pouts; confused what her girlfriend was chatting about this time.

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