|Part 12|

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Kimberley's POV

"Mr. Morris, you said this morning that you wish to speak to Miss Kimberley" Rudy says, we had all been put into the conference room straight away - I was stood pacing back and forth in front of the table. Waiting for someone to explain what this 'emergency meeting' was about.

"I've.. I've reconsidered my position on your offer" Mr. Morris says, I stop in my tracks - allowing him to have my full and undivided attention

"On one condition" I nod my head encouraging him to continue

"I'm not so concerned about me.. But the people who are working for me.. they'll be left without a job" I was trying to dislike him - trying not to let business mix with pleasure. This was all Cheryl's doing - she had made me see and feel things I shouldn't be allowing this to happen to me. This should not be happening.

"It's not a problem, they'll be taken care of" Rudy speaks up for me - I was trying to think, trying to decide on what to do - but the conference room was filled with people. It was hard to come to a verdict.

"Now gentlemen if we could address ourselves to the contracts" Rudy continued - taking over my meeting.

"Excuse me Rudy-" I held my hand up - making their chatter come to a complete stop

"Gentlemen I'd like to speak to Mr. Morris alone" I say to the entire staff - needing everyone to leave us to speak in private

"Thank you" I said, but nobody budged - they must have been surprised at me randomly kicking them out of the meeting

"Go on! You heard her" Rudy says, making them all get up and walk out of the room

"You too Rudy" I raised my eyebrows - nodding my head towards the door. He began to laugh in disbelief

"What do you mean?" He chuckles

"I mean.. I would like to speak to Mr. Morris alone" I repeat myself

"Why does he get to stay?" Rudy snaps, he was like a child - sometimes I wonder why I ever hired him

"Please Rudy" I widen my eyes - Mr. Morris's grandson was a gentlemen and walked out of the conference room with a sulking Rudy

"Would you like a cup of coffee?" I ask, walking to the steaming pot - pouring us both a cup

"Black" He says, I walk back over handing him his cup and taking my seat next to him

"Mr. Morris.. My interest in your company have changed" I take a deep breath - letting out a shaky one

"What is it you're after now?" He asks, taking a sip out of his hot brew

"Well.. I no longer wish to buy your company and take it apart.. so I find myself in unfamiliar territory" I sigh, running my fingers through my hair in a frustrated manner

"I.. I want to help you" I smile lightly

"Why?" He asks, confused with my decision - one second I'm taking his company apart and the other second I want to help him

"Because even tho I hate to admit it.. I really like you Mr. Morris, you remind me of my grandfather and I feel like we can do something very special with your company" He's beaming, he's elated at my words - I was so glad I was finally doing something good, instead of taking companies and making money off of them.

"And you're sure we can? I knew you were a good person Kimberley" He chuckles

"I think we can, we'll leave the details for everyone else to work on" I stand up, helping him to his feet - he instantly takes me into his arms; hugging me with a tight grip

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