| Part 29 |

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-Author's POV-

"No," Kimberley goes to close the dressing room door, but is instantly stopped by her girlfriend's foot.

"You promised you'd cooperate! Kimba, baby-"

"I said no-"

"Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby-"

"Would you stop that!" Kimberley scolds her, stepping out of the room and taking a look around the empty shop. "You're going to get everyone's attention-"

"The place is bloody empty-"

"Well it wont be if you keep up with this absurd behavior."

Cheryl giggles loudly, "You're funny. Okie try this on pwease." She forces the jeans and crop top into her girlfriends arms, giving her a push back into the dressing room and closing the door behind them.

"Could you please step out? I'd like to try these on in private-"

"I've seen you naked, seeing you in your knickers wont make much of a difference-"

"I know, but.. I'd like to try them on and show you-"

"Like a fashion show?" Cheryl grins widely.

"Yeah something like that." Kimberley chuckles. The Geordie shoots up from her seat and jumps in her spot.

"Okay," She pouts her lips. "Kiss."

The blonde rolls her eyes, although she was finding her girlfriend completely adorable right now.

"Mwah, now get." She waits until Cheryl is out of sight before taking a look at what her crazy girlfriend had picked out.

"I am not wearing a crop top!" Kimberley calls out from behind the door.

"Quit your moaning and try it on!"

She rolls her eyes, and does exactly what her girlfriend has requested.

It was a job getting her suit off, but once she managed, she slips on the ripped boyfriend jeans and white crop top easier than she'd thought herself.

"I don't like the fact my stomach is exposed like this!" She gives her opinion.

"I'll be the judge of that, let me see!" Cheryl stands to her feet and waits for her girlfriend to step out.

Kimberley groans, and walks out of the dressing room.

"Holy fcuk!"

"Lower you voice." Kimberley hisses, looking around the shop once again.

"Mine, mine, mine, mine!" Cheryl repeats, staggering towards her girlfriend and wrapping her arms tightly around the slim waist.

"Baby you look so sexy," She growls, giving her random kisses to the neck.

"Would you stop that-"

"Do you even understand how fcuking sexy you are!?" Cheryl groans, placing her lips to the blondes this time.

"People are staring."

"Oh let them stare at what's mine."

"Stop that." Kimberley giggles, gently pushing her girlfriend back. "Sorry to burst your little bubble going on here, but I'm not wearing this-"

"But baby-"

"Don't you but baby me-"

"I thought you love me."

"Oh don't play that card," Kimberley steps into the dressing room, with Cheryl right behind her. "I'm changing, so I'll need my privacy please-"

"Nope." The Geordie stubbornly walks in and takes a seat on the stool available.

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