|Part 7|

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Cheryl's POV

"Wake up! Time to shop!" Kim shouted, opening up the bedroom curtains - I was laid out in bed; naked with the bedsheets covering up my modesty. We had come up during the early hours, having heated sex until our bodies gave out. She didn't seem to be at all warn out compared to me

"Now.. If you have any trouble using this card have them call the hotel" She said, coming over and sitting next to where I lay. I took the card from her and sighed

"More shopping" I groaned, looking at the black card closely

"Mhmm.. I'm surprised you didn't buy more than one outfit yesterday" She said, buttoning up the rest of her blouse

"Wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be.." I said, looking away from her

"Why not?" She asked, placing her fingers under my chin - making me meet her eyes

"They were mean to me" I confessed

"Mean to you?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing in anger - I gave her a nod; I didn't want to get upset again.

"Come on, go get dressed" She said, straightening off the bed and holding her hand out to me

"Why?" I asked, taking her hand and standing up in front of her

"I'm taking you shopping today" She smiled

"Don't you have work?" I asked with a pout - I saw her eyes travel down to my lips; looking at them for a little before answering my question

"I don't have to be in the office until a few hours.. Now go on" She smiled, turning me around and giving my bum a pat


Cheryl's POV

She held my hand as we walked through the streets of Soho - the most fabulous people lived around this area. I still felt out of place, even with Kimberley next to me

"People are looking at me" I told her, wrapping my arm around her forearm - practically gluing myself to her side

"They're not looking at you, they're looking at me" She said

"The shops s are not nice to people, I don't like it" I said, looking around the busy streets

"Shops are never nice to people, they're nice to credit cards" She winked

"Okay... Stop fidgeting" She stopped, letting out a sigh

"I'm not" I huffed, chewing my gum obnoxiously

"Get rid of your gum" I spit it out onto the pavement with a loud spitting noise; making strangers turn their heads with a disgusted look on their faces

"I can't believe you just did that!" She hissed, walking away from me and going into a shop - I quickly followed her; laughing to myself.

"Hello ma'am! I am Telanti the manager of this shop" The man fixed his posture as he presented himself to Kimberley

"May I help you?" He asked

"Kimberley Walsh" She extended her arm - giving him a firm handshake; I was sure she was trying to intimidate him

"You see this young lady over here" She nodded her head towards me; the smile on my face was growing

"Yes" The man said

"Do you have anything in this shop as beautiful as she is?" She said, wrapping her arm around my waist - pulling me into her

"Oh yes" The man nodded, getting an eyebrow raised from Kimba

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