|Part 21|

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-Authors POV-

Lonely nights and long hours in the office only made Cheryl lose her mind at home. Missing and dreaming of Kimberley wasn't something she'd ever thought of finding herself doing, she was never one to dwell over her partners lack of presence. Time was ticking and the sexy silk number she had been wearing was now making her feel exposed. Suddenly feeling hurt and rejected.

'She was supposed to be home hours ago' She frowns. Lying back against the linen sofa she lets out a long sigh of frustration and unknowingly tying her silk robe tighter around her slim waist. The door locks begin to turn, indicating her working girlfriend was home. The stubborn Geordie doesn't budge, upset and annoyed with her girlfriend, she forces herself to stay in her spot.

"Hey you!" Kimberley greets the scowling brunette with a tired smile.

"What's that look for?"She raises her eyebrow; kicking off her heels in a subtle manner she sets her destination to her upset girlfriend.

"Speaking would help Cheryl" Kimberley never did like the childish act, but when it came to Cheryl she seemed to love everything about her. Stubborn, impatient and always raging - she loved it all.

"You're late.. It's twelve o'clock" She murmurs like a child, her arms folding across the velvety silk chest. Kimberley grins and pulls her girlfriend with force towards her, the sensation Cheryl gets with just one touch terrifies her, the feeling of her heart beats with each touch and look was something she never wanted to question - she wanted to forever feel this way.

"You can tell time?" Kimberley jokes, her lips find the smooth neck that belonged to a breaking Cheryl. The stubborn act was slowly fading, giving in to Kimberley's touch.

"Take it you were waiting for some lovin'" She teases, soft and delicate hands roam Cheryl's exposed thighs. Senses and desire come to life between the couple and Cheryl was trying her best to keep herself composed - not wanting to give in straightaway.

"Look at me sweetheart" Giving in Cheryl looks into the blue-greys that had her spellbound. She takes in her girlfriends' sexy look, messy blonde locks tossed up into a disordered bun. So unlike Kimberley. Blouse buttons opened exposing just enough cleavage for the eyes to linger, and her lips painted a nude color - mouthwatering.

"I did try my best to hurry with my work.. Don't think I was taking my time." She feels the need to explain, the smile was missing from her radiantly gorgeous girlfriend and she felt the need to bring it back. Truth was, she never cared for her partner's feelings - this was all new to her. The caring, the pleasing, she was far from perfect; she was a complete nightmare with her ex-girlfriends but always left the relationship on good terms.

"You have an office here! What's the point of a fcking office in the house if you can't work from home!?" The anger couldn't be tamed any longer; she's fuming with Kimberley. Standing up to her feet, she begins to pace back and forth.


"No Kimberley! You were supposed to be home ages ago! I don't like waiting up for you every single fcking night!" She shouts, Kimberley lies back into the sofa and listens as Cheryl finishes her long and frustrated rant.

"I have to wait hours and hours! Do you think it's fcking fun for me to wait for you?! I'm fcking losing my mind siting here.. Like a fcking loser waiting for my girlfriend to come home!" Kimberley's ex-lovers never used to wait up for her, they'd either be out with their friends or spending her money away. Where as Cheryl waits for her, she wants to spend time with her, not waste her money. She closes her eyes as Cheryl coninutes to shout and scream.

"Look! You're not even listening to me right now! I fcking put this stupid dress on for you and now I feel like a right twat!"

"Come here" She beckons her over with a light smile playing on her naturally pouty lips.

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