|Part 18|

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-Author's POV-

"Baby, please I don't want to wear this" Cheryl whines, Kimberley's picked out a very revealing outfit for tonight's dinner for Cheryl to wear. She just wanted to make a good impression with her girlfriends parents - she didn't think this outfit was appropriate. The sheer blouse exposes her leather bra - hiding some modesty away.

"I think it's sexy.. I want to show them how sexy my girl is" She pulls a grumbling Cheryl into her arms - lavishing her neck with kisses.

"Yeah, easy for you to say. You're wearing a fcking pants suit" She scoffs. Cheryl takes a step back and turns around to look at her reflection once again. Tugging the matching black leather skirt down - it was no use.

"You know I only wear dresses to events. I kind of quite enjoy letting the spotlight be on you.. C'mere. You look perfect, stop worrying" She reassures her. She leans in kissing Cheryl's red painted lips lightly - not wanting to smudge her makeup.

"Are you going to look after me tonight?" She pouts, she was beyond nervous. She could already feel their judgmental looks, their questioning glares - she felt the need to throw up.

"Course. I'll always look after you" Kimberley pulls her back into her arms, hands trailing down to Cheryl's leather clad arse - kissing her sweetly.

"I don't like this red lip tease. I can't kiss you properly" She whispers against her lips. It really was a tease - a peck to the lips was never enough.

"You want red lips baby?" Cheryl grins, she doesn't give her girlfriend a chance to reply. She's kissing her, and she's kissing her hard - staining her lips red.

"No.. Baby!" Kimberley's laugh always warmed and tickled Cheryl's insides. She kisses her repeatedly, her lipstick blots her mouth - looking like a right fool.

"Alright.. That's it" She grabs a giggling Cheryl by her waist and throws her over her shoulder. She's howling out in laughter as she tries to hang on for dear life.

"Kimbaaa! Put me down!" She slaps Kimberley's backside as she walks them out of the bedroom. She ignores her arse getting marked with Cheryl's palm and marches them straight out of the house.

"Kimba. Okay! Put me down!"

"No, I'm walking us to the car" She holds Cheryl tighter. The graveled front yard makes her steps unsteady with the heels she had chosen to wear.

"Fine" She huffs, she traces her hands along her girlfriends' backside - getting giggles from Kimberley. She was ticklish from her bum - only Cheryl's ever discovered that. She was her first partner to ever know just how ticklish Kimberley really was. She sets Cheryl down carefully, allowing her to climb into the limo waiting for them.

"When are you going to learn how to drive? I kind of want you to drive sometimes.. Think it would be quite sexy watching you drive" Cheryl purrs seductively into her ear. Kimberley tuts and shakes her head.

"Oi! I can drive.. I just don't want to" Kimberley has never driven a day in her life. Her first car was a driver and a luxury limo to drive her wherever she pleased.

"Oh yeah? How come you couldn't drive that night you bumped into us?" Cheryl raises her eyebrow

"If I remember correctly.. I didn't bump into you. Your little nosey arse walked over to me whilst I was struggling with the shift gear. Cheeky git! And.. I just don't know how to drive cars with that shift thing"

"Gear stick" Cheryl corrects her, she's trying to contain her smile. She found it adorable how flustered Kimberley would get when she was told about her imperfection with driving. She felt the need to be perfect all the time.

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