|Part 24|

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-Author's POV-

They stand in the queue, waiting for their turn to come around. Kimberley is trying to hide her nervous state; she was always the dominant, authoritative figure in the relationship. Here she was, ready to sh*t herself.

"Baby, I love you in jeans" Cheryl flirts; she molds her front against her girlfriends, her sneaky hands slip into the back pockets. The Geordie is unfazed with gazing strangers; she never did, especially when it came to her lover.

"Well, I couldn't wear a pants suit to the amusement park" Kimberley nervously laughs; she accepts the kisses off Cheryl before continuing.

"Maybe we should ditch this place and go somewhere nice for dinner" She suggests, her own hands wrapping around her beautiful pouting girlfriend.

"Or," Cheryl gives her a kiss "We could stay here, and go on every ride. We also have to stuff our faces with candy-floss and caramel popcorn"

"I don't see much fun in going on a ride filled with screaming idiots" She argues.

"Aw baby, it's fun. Have you never been on a ride before?" Cheryl asks, the line begins moving closer and closer to the speedy ride.

"Not my thing"

"What is your thing?" The brunette raises her eyebrow and suppresses a giggle.

"You know, using my phone, but my girlfriend seems to think it's okay to take it away. Can I please have my phone?"

"No! You're on a date with me, don't you know it's rude to use your phone?" Kimberley groans in annoyance, she's not bothered with her giddy girlfriend, in fact, she loved the childish behavior she's had all day. It was the terrifying feeling of making a fool out of herself on a ride she was sure was going to kill her.

"Fine. Don't you moan to me when I'm jobless" She teases.

"Mm I think I'll do plenty of moaning for you" Cheryl purrs in her ear, and playfully tugs on her earlobe. A mother furrows her eyebrows and covers her youngest child's eyes at the sexual scene playing out before them.

"I could f!ck you right here baby" Cheryl raises her eyebrow at the mother, getting a disapproving look.

"Cheryl." Kimberley hisses with wide eyes.

"What?" She giggles "Oh! Our turn!" The excited Geordie yanks her girlfriend to the front of the queue, getting seated immediately. Kimberley holds her breath as the workers strap their safety belts firmly.

"Give me a kiss" Cheryl pouts.

"Not now Cheryl, we have to listen to the safety instructions" Kimberley ignores her unbearable girlfriend; Cheryl begins to make loud kissing noises in hopes to distract the nervous blonde.

"Enjoy the ride" The intercom is sounded, and the ride begins to descend.

"I don't know why I f!cking had you talk me into this" Kimberley clasps her eyes shut, quickly grasping her girlfriends hand for comfort.

"Oh my god. Kimba, baby, are you scared?" Cheryl laughs, unable to contain it any longer.

"F!ck yourself!" She growls in reply. The Geordie laughs her head off as the ride draws closer to the drop, with one last breath it's released into the crazy, swirling, heart stopping turns.

"AHHHH! I'M G-GOING TO KILL YOU!" Kimberley screams loudly, Cheryl is laughing with each turn and plunge. She's not sure what she's laughing at, was it Kimberley? Or was it the thrill of the ride? Definitely Kimberley. Sixty seconds of the ride and it finally comes to an end, Kimberley's hair covers her aggravated expression as the seats unfasten, allowing everyone to exit the ride.

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