|Part 16|

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Cheryl's POV

"What's this for?" I ask Kimba, she had said she needed to run some errands and came back home with an overflow of designer clothes for me.

"We have some events coming up, I went and bought you some thing's. We have a dinner party tonight, please wear this dress" She hands me the elegant black dress, I was growing tired of going to dinner parties every night - everyone wanted Kimberley's attention. I didn't know how to interact with her friends.

"Can't we just stay home tonight?" I pout; I hoped my pouting lips and puppy dog eyes would make her cave - but not this time.

"Baby" God I loved when she called me that, the way it rolled off her tongue so naturally - with so much love in just a simple word. "We have to, I don't feel like going either.. But they are my colleagues. So please, go put this dress on" I sigh out of annoyance and snatch the dress out of her hand - heading to my side of the walk-in-closet

"You're welcome.. A nice thank you is appreciated every once and awhile" We've been bickering a lot lately. It's only because of these stupid dinners we had to go to - it was becoming a job.

"And try not to use the 'f' bomb this time" She says, I had made the mistake of getting excited at one dinner party and saying the food was 'fcking' gorgeous.

"I'm sorry I don't meet up to your expectations" I don't, I wont ever be what she wants me to be - I can't be posh like her other friends. I feel like a joke - standing alone in a foreign room.

"Did I say that? Please, I don't want to argue. Let's just get this dinner party over with" She sighs; I could tell she was getting annoyed with me - I dropped it. We changed silently; usually we couldn't keep our hands off each other - now there was so much distance between us. I sit on the seat of m vanity table and look at my reflection - I think about how much my life has changed. How Kimberley has changed me, my eyes look different - they have a sparkle.

"Don't worry, you look beautiful" She speaks from her side of the vanity table, I'm trying to be upset with her - but I can't help the shy smile that appears on my lips.

"Thanks" I mumble in a sulky tone, carefully painting my lips red - she loved me in red lipstick.

"Don't be in a mood.. You can shout and scream all you want once we've come back" She walks over and stands behind me - looking flawless as ever. She rests her hands on my bare shoulders - stroking my soft skin. I loved the way she touched me, the way she kissed me - the way she looked at me. It was nothing I was used to, she was teaching me the meaning of love - even in the short space we've known each other.

"I'll get you chips and gravy if you just.. please if you just manage to keep it together tonight" I frown at her bribery

"I'm not a little kid Kimberley. Don't talk to me like that" I shrug off her hands and stand to my feet, she was speaking to me like a little child - bribing me to be on my best behavior

"What? I'm not talking to you like a kid Cheryl. All I said was I'd take you out after.. You know what. Maybe you should just stay home" She throws her hands into the air and storms out of the wardrobe room, I follow her out - fuming

"What!? You make me get dressed and fck off!? Here! Fine! I don't even want to fcking go!" I tear off my dress; I couldn't stand another night in heels and dragging this fcking dress around.

"Really mature. I'm leaving" She grabs her purse and leaves me stood in the middle of the bedroom, I hear the front door open and close - letting me know that she really left. I'm upset she didn't even bother to push me to go with her; I sigh walking over to the bed and falling on the clean crisp sheets. I grab the remote and turn on the telly - needing something to occupy my time. I wrap my bare skin with the duvet - I was in need of a cuddle. My hair and makeup done to perfection - with nowhere to go. I flick aimlessly through the channels; I wasn't really paying attention - Kimba occupying my mind.

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