Part 26

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-Author's POV-

Kimberley sneaks off quietly the following morning, she's kissed her sleeping girlfriend discreetly, not wanting to wake her up. She arrives to the towering office building with a smile; she'd missed her haven. Kimberley was always a hard worker, and loved earning her money.

"Good morning Miss Walsh" Lauren greets her boss; she gratefully takes Kimberley's coat and hangs it up immediately.

"Any messages left for me?" The blonde asks, her voice changing when she was in the office. She was more stern and in command. Whereas back at home, Cheryl was the boss, although she'd never admit that aloud.

"Just a few from Mr. Conley" Lauren hands her the pile of paperwork, along with a red envelope.

"What's that then?" She nods at the sealed envelope, bright red, getting her attention instantly.

"An invitation for the grand event, they personally handed me the envelope to give to you-"

"Cheryl's not going to be happy with this," She sighs, and curses herself for saying that out loud. "Thank you Lauren-"

"Is she alright?" The woman asks with concern, she'd grown a liking to the blonde's girlfriend.

"Yeah," Kimberley hesitates before confessing "She hasn't been enjoying the events, but I cant go on my own can I?" She asks rhetorically.

"You can always take someone from your office like?" Lauren asks innocently.

"Hmm will have to look more into that - anyways, thanks for the overflow of paperwork" Kimberley winks and walks away, leaving Lauren with a light smile playing on her lips.

Guess she's not that bad. The younger woman thinks and returns to her receptionist job.

"Haven't missed this" Kimberley mutters and dives straight into her paperwork.


Cheryl wakes up with confusion, she finds her girlfriend nowhere to be found in the house, and then she remembers the blonde had returned to work.

She sighs and returns to bed. There was nothing for her to do, and she was growing bored of staying home all day everyday. Little did she know; Kimberley was secretly working on finding her the perfect studio to start up on that dance class she'd always dreamt of doing.


In coming call

Kimberley smiles and accepts her girlfriend's call immediately.

"Hi babyyyyy" Cheryl sings happily from the other end.

"Hi you" Kimberley's smile grows; she reclines back into the leather office chair, clutching her cellphone tightly. She loved nothing more than listening to her girlfriend's voice.

"What'cha doin?" Cheryl speaks playfully.

"Just going over this contract," Kimberley releases a puff of air and tosses her pen atop of the stacked papers. "What are you up to you? Enjoying a lazy day?"

"Actually no I'm not enjoying it.. I'm bored Kimba," Cheryl groans, "Can I come visit you?"


"Please Kimba, I'll get you a nice coffee?" She bribes her.

"Baby, I have a lot of paperwork to do-"

"I swear I'll stay out of your way." She pushes her luck, and of course, like the spell Kimberley was under she gives in.

"Fine," She moves the phone away from her ear as Cheryl squeals loudly from the other end.

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