| Part 31 |

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-Author's POV-

"Are you happy? You've gotten your wish." Kimberley tuts; finishing the last of her text and putting the iPhone away for good.

"Baby, can you blame me? I just love spending time with you." Cheryl smiles, resting her head back onto the blondes shoulder. The car ride seemed endless, all the Geordie wanted to do was get home and cuddle up to her loving girlfriend.

"Darling, you do realize I have to work sooner or later? Don't you think.. A hobby might be a good idea?" She asks, gently.

"I'll get into that eventually, I'm just enjoying my time right now." The Geordie shrugs, noticing her clingy nature for the first time. "Am I bothering you?" She asks, always upfront with any situation.

"I didn't say that." Kimberley laughs lightly. "I just don't want you to grow bored."

"When you go back to work I'll.. I'll get back into dancing." Cheryl smiles, meeting Kimberley's smile.

"I'm still looking for the perfect property to get a studio built for you—"

"That's not necessary."

"I want to. It's nothing to do with buying my love with money.. I just want you to do something you love, and maybe you can start teaching classes? I know you'd love that."

Cheryl sighs, softly. "I'll think about it."

Kimberley smiles, "I know you can be a bit.. Crazy at times—"

"Did you just call me crazy?" The Geordie gasps, jokingly.

"I didn't mean it the way you took it, I just mean.. I'm really happy, even though you drive me crazy at times." They share a laugh; Kimberley's heart falls deeper for her girlfriend.

"I'm happy too," Cheryl smiles, speaking truthfully. "I know I'm a handful – let me finish. I know I can be a handful, and I'm so happy you've accepted me as I am.. You haven't tried to change me.. Well you've changed my clothes, but you know what I mean apart from that—" she's cut off with a kiss, deep and loving from the blonde.

"You are a dream." Kimberley smiles, looking into the chocolate brown eyes that dance along with the street lights whizzing through from the speed of their car being driven.

"Don't wake up."

"I don't plan to." Their lips reconnect, kissing and building the castle walls around their world. Protecting this love they have created, so delicate, its nothing they have ever felt in this lifetime.

"Miss Walsh," Comes Henry's voice. "We've arrived." He finishes, climbing out the drivers seat and opening up their door.

Kimberley assists her girlfriend, "Have a good night." She smiles, leading them carefully, the garden lights guiding them to the front door.

"After you." Cheryl smiles, walking in first and going straight into the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" The Geordie shouts, impatiently waiting for Kimberley to follow her trail. When the blonde finally walks into the kitchen, she smiles at her girlfriend, suppressing a laugh, taking in Cheryl's body shoved into the fridge.

"What are you doing?" She laughs lightly, perching against the granite top with her elbow supporting the weight.

"I'm looking for something to eat." Cheryl speaks through the fridge.

"Any luck?"

Cheryl huffs, stepping out of the fridge. "No, everything needs to be cooked—"

"Why don't you try making us something?"

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