|Part 6|

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Cheryl's POV

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked Kim, she didn't reply - she was upset and I could see it. I followed her close behind, shutting the suite door gently; not wanting to set her off

"I was hoping we could do no talking right now" She said, turning around and walking back over to me - she was leaning in to kiss me; but I quickly moved my face to the side

"Right.. No kissing" She remembered, instead she placed her lips against my neck - kissing down my throat and along my collarbone. Her lips placing hot kisses anywhere they could land - she wanted me right here, right now.

"Did I tell you how phenomenal you looked tonight?" She whispered, her fingers reaching to the back of my dress and zipping it down

"Mm yeah.. It's nice to hear" I breathed, my eyes closed from the intensity of her kisses - she knew exactly where to place her lips. My dress fell to the ground - exposing my bare chest and barely there thong

"Come here" She wrapped one arm around my waist pulling me into her - my front pressed against her body. She brought her hand up to my hair, removing the crystallized hair piece and tossing it off to the side. My hair falling around my face - I opened my eyes to be met by her sparkling dark grey orbs

"No kissing" She repeated as she looked at my lips - she leaned in kissing my jawline, trailing the down to my chest; claiming one in her mouth. I have never felt like this before - her touches were sending me into a frenzy

My hands worked on their own - going behind her back and unzipping her dress as well. Both of us left in the same state. We wordlessly walked over to the bed - falling in a heap of nakedness. Her mouth working fast all over my throbbing body - throbbing for her touch. She was incredible

"Have you ever been pleased by a woman?" She purred, the first night we had sex - I only pleased her; I didn't get anything in return. I'm a prostitute, it's my job.

"No" I whispered, biting down on my lower lip - she smiled sweetly. Easing my thong off and tossing it to the side. She kissed her way up from my calves to the inside of my thighs - sucking down on my flesh

"Ahhh!" I moaned, throwing my head further into the feather stuffed pillows - it was something I had never experienced before. I could feel myself getting soaked with arousal

"You're going to love this" She said just before diving straight into my center

"Fck!" I screamed, my breathing grew heavier in seconds - her tongue was working inside of me like magic. My fingers going straight to her hair - forcefully removing her hair tied. My hips grinding against her face in urgency - my fists clenching into her hair.

"Ahhh Kimba!" I screamed, my orgasm ripping through me - my body giving out and falling back; I was twitching as my orgasm withdrew. It's something I wouldn't forget for a long time. I've never had an orgasm like that. She reappeared from my legs - licking her plumped lips sexily

"How was that?" She smirked

"What do you think?" I laughed breathlessly


Cheryl's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to a cold shiver; confused I sat up seeing the terrace door opened. I yawned sitting up and grabbing a flimsy vest top off the floor and walked out seeing Kimberley sat by the door

"Kim, I thought you said you never come out here?" I asked

"Well I'm only half way out" She joked

"You didn't say much tonight.. You thinking about dinner?" I decided right now would be an appropriate time to bring it back up

"I was a maniac.. I mean the business was good, I think-" I said walking over to the ledge and sitting myself down

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