|Part 10|

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Kim's POV
"What do you mean you're taking the day off!?" Rudy shouted down the phone, Cheryl and I were having a little stroll through the park - walking along the water fountain hand-in-hand. It was a nice change from working constantly

"I meant what I said, I'm taking the day off!" I said, I could see Cheryl getting irritated - I was meant to be having a day off, not answering Rudy's constant phone calls

"You need to come into the office! We have a lot of things to discuss Kimberley!" He sighed down the phone

"I'm not coming in-" Cheryl snatched my phone out of my hand and threw it into the water fountain

"Cheryl!" I gasped; she began to laugh - pulling me faster along with her

"I'm starving, there's a snap dog stand over there" She pointed, taking us to the little food shop setup in the park

"Do you have any money?" She asked, wrapping her hands around my forearm

"I have money" I nodded, ignoring the fact she just threw my phone into the water

"But I don't know what a snap dog is" I giggled, she laughed along with me dragging me over to buy these so called 'Snap dogs'

"You'll love it, you'll buy a snap dog and we'll cop a squat under a tree" She said excitedly

"Cop a what?" I laughed, she was speaking gibberish to me - I had no idea what she was talking about

"Can I get four snap dogs please" She ordered

"Cheryl! Who are you ordering four for? There are two of us?" I hissed under my breath, the man gave us our order in a cardboard like box - a snap dog turned out to be a sausage in a bun with bizarre toppings

"Come on, stop your whining" She walked us over to a tree and sat me down on the grass before taking her seat beside me

"What are you doing!?" I giggled, she began to take my shoes off and tossing them to the side

"We're copping a squat" She shrugged, shuffling closer to me and pulling out the 'snap dogs'

"Here try this" She hovered the sausage bun over my mouth

"Is it safe?" I teased, she rolled her eyes and practically shoved the food into my mouth. We sat under the tree in the summer heat, it was a beautiful day; her laughs made everything even more perfect - I felt different when I was with her. Alive. We lie back against the grass once finished with our little snack; she positioned herself in my arms - her head lying against my chest.

"This is nice" She breathed, her arm tightening around my waist. It was nice, everything felt so perfect in this moment - I didn't want to ever let her go

"Tell me something Kimba" She whispered, her fingers tracing the side of my exposed skin - she always needed some contact from me. I wasn't complaining, I enjoyed her sweet touches

"Well, I'll be needing a new phone today" I smirked, she giggled; hiding her face into the crook of my neck

"Do you do that all the time? Just grab things without permission and throw them? That phone had a lot of important things in it" I said, I was pretending to be upset - I wasn't. It was just a phone, I could always replace it

"I'm sorry Kimba.. I just wanted you to relax a bit" She said sadly, her pout forming against those lips I so eagerly want to kiss - I was desperate to feel them against my own

"I'm only teasing" I pinched her nose, we stayed in this embrace for sometime - talking about anything that crossed our minds. We never did need a filter when speaking to each other - and Cheryl never really had one to begin with.

We spent the day together, Cheryl showing me around and taking me into places I would never even think twice about going into.

We had an adventure together, something I would never forget. I saw a different side to her today, there was something magical in those eyes of hers - something beautiful. She was breathtaking

"Today was fun" It was now late, the sun had gone down and we were on our way back to the hotel. Her head lay against my shoulder - her arm draped over my chest and resting around my neck

"Thank you for that, it was a nice change" She didn't reply, her eyes closed and I was guessing she had fallen asleep - so I left her to it. I wrapped my arms around her, drawing her in closer to me. Her scent intoxicated me and I craved her taste. The ride to the hotel was short and I didn't have the heart to wake her up - but I had to

"Cheryl?" I shook her out of her sleeping state

"Hmm? Yeah I'm up" She snapped up, I chuckled watching her struggle to open the car door - once we successfully got out of the car we made our way up to the suite.

"I'm just going to have a change!" She shouted, I changed into some pajamas and climbed into bed - exhausted from today's activities

Cheryl's POV

I slipped on the white silk sleeping gown Kimba had bought me, moisturizing my body up with scented lotion and brushing my hair to perfection - I knew Kimberley would want some intimacy tonight and I wasn't going to reject her; I never would. I walked out of the ensuite finding her asleep, she was sat up in bed with paperwork in her hands - of course she's always working.

I walked over to her side of the bed, sitting myself down beside her and taking the papers out of her hand. I took in her features, her lips slightly parted - light breaths escaping her natural puffy lips. She was perfect. I placed a kiss against my finger, slowly bringing it over and pressing it against her lips. I don't know what came over me, but I found myself leaning in and placing a chaste kiss against her lips - she jerked out of her sleep. I pulled back, her eyes meeting my own - a smile playing along her lips

"Kiss me" She whispered, her hand finding it way around my neck and drawing me back into her - her lips were like nothing I had ever felt. Soft, and tender - she was gentle with her kisses. Moans escaping her mouth as our tongues found each other.

She lays me on my back, her body slotting between my own - our lips never parting. She released me from the silk gown, tossing it over to the side - my naked body on show for her

"I'm going to take care of you tonight" She said, placing a kiss against my lips - her hands stroking my body tenderly. Her palm resting against my mound, kneading them, she never wanted to let my lips go. She's been waiting for this moment - she's been waiting to taste my lips, taste my tongue - she kisses me passionately. Never rushed, always in a loving manner.

I parted our lips for a few seconds tearing off her nightwear - both in the same state. Our naked bodies pressed against each other - arms wrapping around each other, lips pressed as one. Her tongue was working inside of my mouth like she was discovering every inch of my warm mouth

She was holding me tight; I have never felt anyone wanting to kiss me so much - so desperately. I never did want her to leave my lips, the way she sucked down on my lower lip, the way her tongue glided against my lips - healing them in some way.

"You drive me crazy" She breathed, letting her lips wander else wear - latching them against my pulsing throat. She showed me how to be touched and pleased - no man has ever touched me the way she way.

The way her lips covered my nipples, the way she swirled her tongue - it was all so overwhelming. The moans escaping my lips encouraging her to go on, giving her confidence to show me how its supposed to be done.

"I want your lips pressed against mine" She said, I couldn't speak - I was in awe of her. She brought her lips back over to mine, her hands trailing down my body - going straight to my wet center that was throbbing for her touch.

My moans echoing into her mouth as she slid her fingers into my cunt - hips rocking at her touch. My hands lost in her hair - gripping tightly as she kissed me passionately all whilst working inside of me.

I let myself go, I let myself do what I promised never to do - I kissed her. I kissed her with so much passion, with so much want and hunger. I kissed her like it would be my last - we kissed all night. Our breaths mixing as one, my sex high was vanished by her sweet kisses, her arms wrapping around me - laying me on top of her. She wanted me close, she wanted me to have my lips against her - we kissed until we couldn't kiss no more. Falling asleep with our lips connected.

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