|Part 27|

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-Author's POV-

Cheryl drives herself to the most lavish hotel she could possibly find, because pissing off her girlfriend starts with spending all the money she could in one night. She grasps the travel bag tightly in her hand, the tears are being forced back, and she wasn't going to breakdown just yet.

"Welcome to Mandarin Oriental" The woman behind the desk greets her instantly, a warm smile and welcoming glow settles well with Cheryl.

"Hello," She replies, "I'd like to rent a room for the night.. But it might change depending on my mood tomorrow, if that makes any sense.." She rambles nervously.

"Oh that's no problem Miss," The woman replies warmly. "What room are you looking to rent for tonight?"

"The suite" Cheryl says instantly.

It's the best. She'd remembered Kimberley saying when they'd first met.

"You're in luck, it's available for renting.. But you do realize it's not a one night booking right?"

Cheryl nods; again, she remembers Kimberley's words.

"It's no problem, I'll pay for it." She hands her the black card, without any hesitation the woman swipes it.

"Do you have any more cases you'd like to be sent up?"

Cheryl shakes her head and allows the bellboy to take the bag she was currently holding.

"Have a wonderful stay, my name is Penny if you need anything." Cheryl smiles and outstretches her hand to shake the kind woman's hand.

"I'm Cheryl, I'll be sure to tell you if I need anything." With that, she takes her key card and heads straight to the elevator.

The earlier cries that were being held back are long and forgotten. The luxury of this number one five star hotel calms her, and she finds herself smiling.

"Thank you," She thanks the bellboy and hands him a large note.

She locks her suite door once she's safely in and wanders around, taking in every inch of this new luxury she still hasn't got her head around.


Kimberley collects the papers she'd thrown around, and shakes her head once seeing the computer presently smashed on the ground.

Lauren walks in when the loud crashes settled down.

"Everything alright Miss Walsh?" She asks sweetly.

Kimberley sighs and sits herself down on the sofa.

"Yeah, fine." She mutters, her voice sounding on the brinks of tears.

The blonde cautiously walks over and sits beside her boss, timidly, she places a hand to her back and rubs it in circles hoping it would comfort her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks; her voice cools down Kimberley's earlier rage.

"Not one to talk about my problems," Kimberley chuckles lightly, she sits back, resulting to Laurens hand to retreat.

"She just doesn't get it," She starts; Lauren chooses to stay quiet and listen to the rant. "I worked damn hard to get to where I am, what makes her think it's more important than her?" Kimberley shakes her head and runs a hand through her blonde locks.

"Maybe she-"

"I mean for heavens sake," Kimberley cuts her off, "I give her all the freedom she likes, I'll have you know that woman gets whatever the fcuk she desires, and when it doesn't go her way all hell fcuking breaks loose!" She throws her hands up in frustration.

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