- Chapter ONE -

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She aggressively stabbed her fork into the piece of steak and chewed it forcefully.

"Tough day?" Carlota giggled while cutting her steak.

Her step-sister opposite her groaned. "Horrible day. Guess who was in charge of that big birthday party I had to arrange? That b*tch from college. And because it was me she refused to ask me to plan it." She explained in anger.

Yasmin's father scowled at her for using foul language but her step-mom cheered her on. "How can she not give my baby the job? She probably is a b*tch." Carlota's mother smirked.

"Please don't encourage this behaviour, Camilla. Especially in front of CJ." Joseph sighed looking at his last born as he played with his mashed potatoes.

"Since I didn't get the job I scheduled another meeting, so I need you to babysit CJ." Yasmin said, quickly getting up from the table.

"No, I can't. I'm meeting Brinley's to meet her new boyfriend. She said this one's a keeper." Carlota explained while rolling her eyes.

She groaned plopping herself back at the dinner table. "Camilla, do your dear step-daughter a favour and take care of your son." She begged.

"Well, I was planning to have Saturday to myself but, no hay problema." She sighed standing up and picking her son. "Time for your bath, CJ." She cooed walking away with the 10-month-old child. [Spanish Translation: No problem]

There was silence at the table as the three of them all ate their food. "What time is Brinley getting here?" Joseph asked, trying to spark conversation.

The doorbell immediately rang causing them all to face the door. "Right now." Carlota smirked, grabbing her phone and putting it into the side pocket of her jeans. "I'll be back around 10." She sang walking out the door to see her best friend smiling at her.

"Sorry I'm late, Landon and I were taking care of things." She smirked opening the door for Carlota.

She rolled her eyes in response and smiled. "You've been dating for two weeks and you're already head-over-heels for this man?" She asked with a sly look.

"I'm not in love with him." She protested, touching her lips. "Yet," She added with a smile.


"Now, before I introduce you to him, Landon is really attractive so try not to drool over him." She chuckles causing Carlota to playfully slap her arm.

"I bet you're overreacting." She said pushing her apartment door open.

She scavenged for the so-called 'attractive' man and found a tall 6-foot man who made his way into her best friend's living room and suddenly everything was in slow motion.

From the way, he made his way to them, to the cheeky grin forming on his lips, that caused her mouth to water.

"Baby, is this your friend you've spoken so much about?" He asked Brinley, walking right past Carlota and kissing her forehead.

Brinley smiled at Carlota as she was still trying to take in his sexy British accent. She tried to brush away those thoughts in her mind that seemed to make her p*ssy throb.

"Yes, Carlota this is my boyfriend; Landon." She introduced staring right at her best friend while she begged her hormones not to let her blush. "I'll leave you two to get to know each other." She smiled walking into the next room.

"So you're my girlfriend's best friend?" He confirmed with a smirk.

She just nodded and looked in another direction.

"I hope you know she doesn't say nice things about you." He bluntly informed her, causing her jaw to drop.

"Yeah, sure. I'm going to believe the guy I just met." She scoffed making her Spanish accent evident.

"I love that accent, love." He spoke which caused her head to snap up at him. "Tell me if you ever need to get back at Brinley."

She opened her mouth to say something but it was quickly shut when she heard her friend come back. "I ordered a pizza." She sang.

'This is going to be an uncomfortable night' Carlota thought to herself.



Examples of sex, drugs, violence and explicit language will be shown throughout the book. I am warning you beforehand when reading these chapters, but if you still can't take it, please go find another book to read to your liking.

The swearing in my book will be censored so do not worry. But if it's still a bit too much you may kindly click of the tab.

Carlota is 50% Latina 50% African. This means he's going to be speaking quite a lot of Spanish since she lives with her fully Latina mother. I get my translation from Google translate so if something is off, kindly correct me in the comments. Don't worry if you don't speak Spanish. The Spanish she speaks will have the English translation in brackets.

There will be some spelling errors and mistake throughout my writing so please try not to get triggered. Instead, kindly correct me in the comments. I'll edit everything when I finish the book.

This is a spin-off to my previous book His Personal Assistant. You do NOT need to read that book to understand this book but I would highly recommend it. Some characters from that book will be appearing here more than you think and I honestly think you'd like the nostalgia.

You can find His Personal Assistant when viewing my profile.



Thank you so much for choosing to read my book. There were 100's of books to choose from and you chose mine? This motivates me to continue writing.

I do have an uploading timetable but since I'm not paid, I'm not obliged to update (..Heehee). Despite this, I will try as hard as I can to update my books regularly. Voting and commenting will speed the process (desperate, af)

Since I go to school I may suddenly stop posting. I might have been too busy or exams since I'm preparing for my Second Mock exams, but don't worry about that. If I miss a week or two of posting I'll be sure to make up for it by posting twice or trice a week.

Here, we are a family. So in the comments let's be kind. Swearing in the comments is allowed though, if you don't like that, you can be the quiet kid in our family.

Feel free to reach me on Wattpad DMs if you have any questions or want to send book covers and I'll try my best to get back to you.

Lastly, I'd just like to thank you again for choosing my book, sorry I know I've already said it. You guys mean so much to me and despite me not actually knowing you, I love you so much.

Remember to support me by voting, commenting, and sharing my book.



ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copy me and you can say bye to your life (Teehee, I'm so sweet). If you see anyone with the same work as me (or even similar), please inform me to investigate and we'll take that b*tch down. (Giving you a taste of the swearing in my book)


Now without any interruptions, I'd like to introduce you to your new favourite unholy pornography.

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