- Chapter TWENTY TWO -

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Her fingers got played with his chest hair as they embraced each other on his bed. "When are you planning on shaving." She chuckled.

"Carlota, I shaved 2 weeks ago. Puberty isn't kind to me."

She laughed at his words. "You shave too often, you should let it grow out for a bit."

"Didn't you just ask me when I shaved?"

She laughed again. She pecked his lips and went back to playing with his chest hair.

The truth was, Carlota was much happier with Landon out of her life and Lorenzo back in hers. Landon was quite toxic to her and she was happy she got rid of him once Lorenzo came.

She texted, 'Landon, I'm ending the toxic thing we have going on right now. Don't bother checking on me anymore.'

She thought it was the best thing she had ever done.

"At least puberty was kind to you, in every way." He smiled.

She smiled back at him. "That isn't 100% true. I don't exactly love the size of my boobs. Some girls think theirs isn't big enough but because of my size I can't wear a lot of outfits I want to."

"It's nice to suck them." He stated, sitting up. "In fact, I want to do that right now."

He was about to bring a nipple into his mouth but she stopped him. "You can if you buy me KFC. I'm so hungry right now."

She spoke while getting out of his bed.

She put on one of his shirts and settled for the shorts she brought over. "You're not going to wear underwear?"

She looked back at him and smirked. "I thought you wanted to suck my tits?"

He smirked, copying her and not wearing any underwear. "This should only take 5 minutes since KFC is pretty close." He informed.

Nodding her head, they walked out of the hotel together, and she drove them to KFC.

They both got out of the car and walked into the fast-food service. "Remember when I brought you KFC when my brother was being an a*s to you?"

She nodded her head as they got in line. "Where's your brother?"

He shrugged. "Probably wasting his life getting drunk and hooking up with a stranger."

She chuckled at his comment.

The door opened and she locked eyes with Landon who was with Brinley. "Mierda." She mumbled as Brinley recognized her. [Spanish Translation: Sh*t]

"What?" He asked just as Brinley walked up to them.

"Lorenzo? I never knew you were in town. Are you and Carlota back together?" She asked, making Landon extremely uncomfortable.

"Uh, yeah kind of." He smiled nervously. He glanced over at Landon to see him staring at Carlota with a. annoyed expression. He already knew Carlota had sex with him.

"Let me guess, Carlota f*cked you and now you're jealous of me?" He said, referring to Landon.

"Not sure if you noticed but I'm a little out of her league." He spoke with a smirk. Both of the boy's fists clenched. "And I'm actually Brinley's boyfriend."

Carlota and Lorenzo both glared at Landon while he glared at Lorenzo. Brinley felt awkward with the tension.

Carlota turned around to face the front of the line. She was just going to get her food and have sex with Lorenzo. No drama with Landon.

"Well, how about we go back to my place and enjoy the fried chicken." Brinley suggested.

Carlota wanted to mentally facepalm herself. "Brinley, Lorenzo and I-."

"Would love to come over." Lorenzo cut her off. "Brinley's boyfriend, are you cool with it?"

"Of course I am. Any friend of Brinley is a friend of mine." He smiled, trying to contain the resentment he had towards Lorenzo.

Once they got their chicken, Brinley entered Landon's car while Lorenzo entered Calota.

"Que demonios te pasa?" She questioned once they were in the car. [Spanish Translation: What the hell is wrong with you]

"You still do that sexy thing when you speak in Spanish when you're mad or horny." He grinned.

"Callate." She snapped hitting the back of his head. [Spanish Translation: Shut up]

"Carlota, explain to me why you slept with your best friend's boyfriend."

She ignored the question and continued driving. He repeated the question again in Spanish.

"Because he's f*cking sexy and Brinley is a f*cking b*tch!" She yelled.

He rolled his eyes at her response. "Brits aren't sexy." He scoffed.

She sighed. "Why did you let her invite us? Did I go out without underwear for nothing?"

"It's called being nice and obviously something happened between you and Landon so if you like, we can make him jealous." He explained.

"Not a fan of the whole making someone jealous idea. Especially when I'm looking like I just woke up."

He held her head and squeezed it a bit. "You're beautiful, with or without makeup."

She turned to smile at him. "Okay, let's make Landon jealous."


Ouuu, they're making Landon jealous now. Just because Landon is the main love interest doesn't mean I'll make Lorenzo some hideous absolutely unlikable character. As of now I quite like Lorenzo, he's a really kind person.


𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝'𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now