- Chapter FORTY SIX -

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She arrived at her house to hear shouting and screaming. Stephano must have been woken up from his nap.

She followed the source of the noise to see Vincenzo carrying the baby in his arms. "Please stop crying, Steph. You're going to wake mama up." He whispered, carrying him around.

He noticed Carlota in the distance watching him with a smile. "I quite remember Arabella telling me how 'ready' you were to have kids." She teased, walking towards the two boys. "I couldn't tell whether the crying was coming from the baby or you."

He rolled his eyes. "He just woke up randomly. He won't stop crying and I don't know what he wants." He spoke, frustrated.

Usually, Arabella was busy with Stephano because Vincenzo still had to work but he promised Arabella he'd take care of him today.

"Did you try changing his diaper? Maybe he woke up because his diaper was full." She shrugged, bending down to smell it. "Yeah, there's sh*t in that baby's diaper."

He walked over to the changing bed and lay Stephano down. He carefully changed his diaper remembering how his mother would change Angela and Angelo's diapers when they were still alive.

He finally came down and stopped crying when he had a fresh diaper. Vincenzo was proud of himself. And was starting to lose his mind.

You would never catch Vincenzo believing in anything like superstitions, religion, etc. But with Stephano, he was convinced it was Giovanni trying to haunt him with non-stop crying.

Despite that, it didn't stop him from loving his son.

Stephano began tugging at his pocket where he usually kept his phone. "No, Stephano. You're meant to be sleeping now. It's late." He groaned picking him back up but he began making noises close to crying.

Tired, he dropped the baby in his crib and handed him his phone, unlocked to watch kids youtube. He plopped on the bed running his fingers through his hair.

"You should really shave, Vincenzo. It's not like you to have a beard that thick." She spoke sitting right next to him. Carlota had always hated beards in general. She only liked it when it was thick enough to tickle her skin.

"I'm so tired," He let out, closing his eyes. "I never knew babies were this much trouble. And not only that, I'm scared."

"Scared of what?" She asked, with concern.

"Scared that somebody's going to use my love for Stephano and Arabella and use it to their advantage. Scared Arabella might go into a coma and not wake up this time. Scared Stephano might hate me. I'm scared of everything, Carlota." He explained as his voice cracked.

Carlota wasn't even aware Vincenzo could release tears from his eyes. She thought he wouldn't even cry for Arabella but she realized how sensitive he could really be.

"What happened that night? With Giovanni?" She asked.

"He was about to shoot me but Francesco and Luca came out of nowhere and shot some of his guards. After they distracted Giovanni giving Arabella time to hold a gun. When he realized she had a gun he put his down and begged her not to shoot him but she still did."

"And the shock sent her into a coma?" She asked, a bit confused.

"No. One of the guards got up and shot Luca and almost shot Francesco but Arabella got hit. Then Francesco killed the guard. Arabella crawled to Luca to check on him but he," He shut his mouth and looked away. "I don't want to talk about that part."

The death of Luca was still haunting him. For a long time, he had felt everyone's death was because of him and now Luca's blood was on his hands.

"And it wasn't easy for me? The next minute I found out Aurora was on the first stage of breast cancer and wasn't telling me because she didn't want to worry me. Thankfully she got cured. And she's fine. And so was Arabella. And Stephano when he came out."

"Vincenzo, don't let anyone tell you you're a bad person because from what you've just told me, I can easily say you're a good man with good intentions for the people you care about. Luca's death wasn't your fault, I can promise you that. Luca was just unfortunate. But the fact that you still feel guilty till this day shows that you love Luca and trust me, Luca would have wanted you to be happy." She comforted.

He looked at her dead in the eyes and then slowly began to smile. "I really needed to hear that. Thank you for helping me, Carlota."

"No problem." She smiled.

With all this information, Vincenzo finally let go of all the guilt and the death of Luca. He was moving past it and he was happy that Carlota wasn't a 'boyfriend stealing wh*re' Arabella had once described.

When Arabella heard about Carlota and how she stole Brinley's boyfriend she was sceptical of letting her see Vincenzo for the sleepover. But she's far over it now.

Arabella came into the room to see Vincenzo and Carlota sitting on the bed. She made a face but quickly relaxed, reminding herself that Brinley was a bad friend to Carlota and Vincenzo would never do that to her.

"After 20 minutes you finally got him to stop crying." She smiled. "I still believe you knew about Stephano's gender. That's how you got to name him." She huffed, walking towards him.

She slowly bent down and pecked his lips as Carlota watched, awkwardly. She didn't know whether to cringe or reply in a cheesy manner, so she just watched in awkwardness.

"You'll be here for the wedding, right?" Arabella asked her.

She nodded her head. "Wouldn't miss my favourite couple getting married." She smiled.  


Previous chapter felt a little short? Also, nothing really happens in this chapter. It's just a little character development. To show you guys Carly CAN have male friends she doesn't hook up with. 

Do you guys remember how Vincenzo was when I first introduced him??? That a*shole. Look at my baby now all grown up with a CHILD!!!

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