The Attack. . .?

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Win groans inward as it's the second time he introduce himself today. It was their second class like what it's written on the schedule. Win notices all eye were on him from the moment he enter his campus vicinity. The whispering and shy glances from students around him didn't really help to ease his anxiety bubbling up inside. But then again, he need to be brave and bold just so he can stand on his own two feet.

"That's it for today, I hope you guys will do a quick revision on our next topic so we can go through it in a flash before I give out quizzes for your cumulative marks." The professor announced before taking his leave.

Finally! Win thought, as he lays his head on his table letting out a huge breath. His body began to relaxes then tense again as he heard someone is approaching him.

"Hi. Win right?" a cheerful rosy voice can be heard. Win immediately

 raise up his head from his table and greeted the girl.  

"H-hi... and you?" Win asked as he reaches his arm for a hand shake. A huge smile formed with her lips taking Win's hand and shaking it.

"Nam, Namtan Tipnaree." She answered. Win was doubting himself if he should be making new friends right now, but it doesn't sound too bad either to be making new one since his dogs are few kilometers away from him. Well his University is big, like any other. Win flashes his sincere smile to her.

"Man, I wish I was half as cute as you are Win." Namtan boldly blurted out her wishful thinking making Win blush from the compliment.

"T-thanks I... guess?" Win's reply made Namtan laugh. Well honestly Win rarely heard a compliment thrown at him, not that nobody ever did compliment him. Tons of people have compliment him in Canada but if the words of compliment is as pretty as the classical rose that bloomed in your most sacred garden. Don't expect Win to understand or notice it, since Win will take the meaning literally, like literally though. One time a stranger suddenly expresses himself infront of Win on how beautiful his flower bloomed on his garden. Win was confused before replying 'I do hope to see it someday' which makes the poor guy embarrassed.

 But unlike this one, it was bold and clear and Win understood it was a compliment. 

"So you are new here right? do you have anything to do after this?" Nam asked.

"Since it's my first day, and I don't know..."

"What about you accompany me looking for a club, I badly need one just to fulfill the recommendation. I mean if I am not disturbing you, am I?" Nam asked.

"Nah~ its fine, I guess I should be looking for one too."

"Nice~ I can help you then..."

Both of them exited their classroom heading toward where the clubs are gathered. 

"What type of clubs are you looking for?" Nam asked Win.

"I-I don't really know, b-but if its possible I want something that deals with animal or things like that." Win told, as a smile formed on his mouth remembering the scene back at the Pet Shop.

"I think there is a club like that here, but not sure what it's called. Something like animal.... ugh I don't remember it, lets try asking someone when we reach there." 



With mouth was left gaping seeing the amount of club listed. There are so many, from sports and recreation to spiritual and belief to theater and art. But all those club listed only one managed to catch Win's eyes.

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