A punch is not gonna solve this!

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Bright's PoV

Mike arrived few minutes ago and here we are sitting it the living room with beer in our hands.

"So tell me, what did you do? And tell me this would amuse me than you already did in our talk through the phone..." Hearing Mike's word is making me antsy, I can't put into word nor I do not know how to bring this issue without misunderstanding between us.

"Apart from what I told you on the phone, I think thats all..." I replied.

"And what about Win?" The question that left me dumbfounded.

"W-what about him?" I asked back.

"Bright! are you nut? doing all that things you mentioned without even asking how he feels about it? Tell me how far did you go with Win, did you DO him?" Mike asked and I noticed there were a tone of anger in his voice.

"No, we didn't go that far... but almost..." I said gesturing my hand showing 'little' sign with my fingers as I smile a little, hoping this little joke will lighten up this tense situation. But before I could speak again, a hard punch landed on my left cheek. And it kinda hurt a little.

"What the FUCK MIKE! what is your problem?" I stand up heating up ready to hit him back.

"BRIGHT!" Mike growled while looking at the floor eyes not meeting mine.

"Have you ever thought, why?" Mike asked.

"Why what? can you cut with all these questions, and ask me directly enough with puzzles!" I yelled back while massaging my face.

"Have you ever thought how would Win feels about it? Have you ever considered his feeling just a little bit?" Mike asked still not looking at me.

"W-what do you mean. Nah it can't be..." I stumbled back a bit, as I begin to reconsider and reflect Mike's word.

"YES, it can be... what if Win likes you? That explains why he never distanced himself even after being sexually molested by YOU!" Now Mike stares at me, with his gaze full of anger.

"So what if he likes me? What did it do to make you this angry?" I was still full of myself... 

"HE IS OUR FRIEND FIRST BRIGHT! HE IS YOUR FRIEND, MY FRIEND, GUN FRIEND... and you, you fuck you Bright!" Mike yells at me, for all I can remember, my goofy friend and loyal friend never raised his voice no matter what I do, but this time... it feels so different and scary. Not because he is scary... but I am scared of the fact that he might say next.

"Don't you ever think that your actions towards him is the cause for his changes of behavior, just look at the final result of our examination, where did you see his name? You tell me Bright, and if this had nothing to do with you and your egocentric self then I am done being your friends."

Thats it, the things that I am afraid to hear the most... the cause for Win downfall, was all on me all along. When the realization hit me, I stumbled back until the back of my knee touches the sofa making me fall into sitting position. All the things that I've done to him, his reaction, his reprimanding tone, his hurt face were all because of my thoughtless actions.

I cover my face with my hands when it fully hits me...

"W-what have I done Mike?" I asked him with fear filled my eyes.

"I don't know Bright, this time I really can't help you... this problem is between you and Win, I can't get in between, even if I did. It would be meaningless to him."

"What should I do? Oh god! Should I go and apologize to him? What about his parent? What am I going to tell them? That I have destroyed Win's future?" I look at Mike again hoping for some assurance but, he just look at me shaking his head.

"Is it hopeless?" I ask again.

"You, you just go and try your best... I have no say in this anymore."

I take a deep breath as I begin to sort out my thought. After pondering for awhile. I made my resolve.

"I, I think I will go to their home tomorrow. I ask for his forgiveness and I will tell his parent too. I don't know how they will react but I bet it will not be a good one, I am just hoping I will be left alive..." I look at Mike again.

"And? after that what are you gonna do?"


"About your feeling for Win... have you sort it out too..."

"I-I don't know Mike..."

"Come on Bright! If you don't even have the slightest feeling for Win, you wouldn't do that stuff repeatedly, should I SAY SEXUALLY ABUSING WIN!" hearing MIke said that makes me scared... What am I scared of?

"I..." I was speechless.

"Don't. keep it to yourself if you want to give me a reason. I don't wanna hear it anymore. Now I am heading back home." Mike stands up as he pick his keys on the table.

"Aren't you gonna sleep here?"

"Nah~ I better go. And let you settle your mind alone... okay?"



The next morning come, at exactly 10 AM( Actually I've been here since 7AM but I was still wandering around, getting myself ready. I was so nervous asf.) I press their doorbells. Right after pressing it, I close my eyes as I take a deep breath, but nobody open the door.

I pressed again.

And again...


Still nobody open it for me. I tried dialing Win's phone, which ended up in a voice mail.

I asked his friends.

But to my dismay, even them don't know where Win is. I tried checking his media social account, all of them has been deactivated.

I look at the morning sky, the blue sky is making my feeling intensify.

"Win... I am sorry..." I blurted it out, as a trail of tears manage to get out from my eyes which I quickly wipe it off.

"What am I even doing..."


A/N: Gotcha! its not the end, there will be part two of this story and takes after 2 years has passed since then. Chaio

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